055. 'god knows that I tried, seeing the bright side. i'm not blind anymore'

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"Thunder rumbling; Castles crumbling

I am trying to hold on"

           THERE WAS ONCE A FAMOUS saying Dodie remembered hearing: "We all must die sometime," Those were the great words of Galvatron in that 1980 Transformers movie. So, she thought that she was ready for death.

But she guessed she was wrong.

They say that when you're dying, your life will flash before your eyes. Dodie had thought she had experienced that before, you know, what being her life as a demigod and all? She had a lot of instances where she had seen those said flashes, considering there wasn't a day that past in which she was free from life-threatening situations that she barely would come out alive from... that was why, back then, she had opted to stay quiet in her cabin, hoping to not be acknowledged by the gods while those around her prayed so hard to be known.

But now, she had almost forgotten of that life. Now, she was actually feeling what walking toward death feels like.

But no one told her how bittersweet it would be.

It somewhat felt like a languid stroll down memory lane, but in this particular place where time should have passed, time had, instead, stopped its relentless march. The only movement came from her own restless thoughts and her gradually fading footsteps. It was as though she was adrift in an ocean of time.

Here, it felt like all you had was time

But this place, it didn't feel right.

When Dodie's eyes fluttered her eyes open, she was greeted by the ethereal sight of a star-studded night sky. She lay upon a bed of delicate flowers, their fragrance enveloping her like a soothing lullaby. Her eyes darted barely around and the first thought that crossed her mind was: "Huh, I'm in Elysium, aren't I? I'm... dead." And while the thought usually would indeed be sad, but soon enough you'd feel the high of Elysium, the very sanctuary

Dodie's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the ethereal sight of a star-studded night sky. She lay upon a bed of delicate flowers, their fragrance enveloping her like a soothing lullaby. The first thought that crossed her mind was one of disbelief, "Huh, I'm in Elysium, aren't I? I'm dead." In most circumstances, this realization would have brought comfort and tranquillity, a sanctuary for those who had crossed over to the other side. The expected sense of serenity eluded her. A vague emptiness replaced it, leaving her bewildered; the longer she stared up into the sky, the more she felt like she truly didn't belong here.

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