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Time skip

It's been nearly one month since jungkook joined the university. He didn't thought his life will take the biggest turn after joining here.

The past from which he wanted to run away is now in front of him. He never wanted to ruin younger life. The fear of society and judgment is stopping him to go to his tae bear and tell him how much he loves him. But he just can't...

Meanwhile tae is behaving very weird he sometimes don't even acknowledge elder's presence. And some time talk to him rudely but in all this he didn't forget to take care him. Whenever jungkook go somewhere he would feel a presence and he knows it better that it's his tae. He is trying hard to avoid younger.

Right now jungkook is standing on roadside while waiting for his cab. He can feel younger presence little bit far  . Even he can't see but he can tell younger presence just by his scent....

But what shocked him more was it wasn't only younger scent he can smell the smoking..

Jungkook pov:

At first I was confused but then I got it. My tae has now started to smoke huh!
I know he is angry on me but he doesn't have right to ruin himself I clenched my fist.

Kook: tae come in front of me. Right now!


Kook: I know you are here. Just come here I need to talk to you. ~please

Tae: oh! So you know I'm here huh?  Don't think I am following you I am just waiting for my bus...yeah the bus(tae blurt out)

Kook:(sign his baby don't even know how to lie) tae did you forgot that you have a car hmn...

Tae: so.. Wha..t i want to go by bus do you have any problem with this..(snapped)

Suddenly kook  come in front of him and started to touch his face then his hand started to go towards his hand. Tae get panicked and tried to hide his hand but kook caught it take cigarette from his hand..

Kook: So now you have started to smoke huh? Why are you doing this you now it right. That how much I despite these things still you are doing this. What are you ruining your health taebear..

Tae: ( chuckled) don't fake your care for me hyung.. If you really cared for me that much then why fuck you left me alone huh why... Why.. Whyy......

Jungkook flinched at outburst his heart clenched at youngers vulnerable voice now he is regretting for coming in his life make it more miserable...

Kook : I just don't w..ant you to sm..oke . You will not smoke again rig-ht.. (Said slowly while looking down)

Tae : why should I listen to you.. You are no one to me. So please mind your own business..

Now kook eyes are getting teary he tried to hide his tears and keep looking down.

Kook: you ca...n go now..

But tae didn't move from his place he keep staring at him while jungkook feel his knees getting weak . But he froze on his place and his heart shattered into pieces when he heard...

?? :  tae bear my baby where were you I was searching you every where. ( hugs him tightly)

Tae just keep looking at jungkook he can feel jungkook hands were shaking . Jungkook slowly start backing away from them . Then his cab also arrived he quickly sat on it and left from there..

?? : tae baby are you even listening to me.. Looks like you didn't miss me (pout)

Tae: no! I missed you too. When did you come back( hug him back tightly)..

Au: I'm so sorry for late update lovelies actually I am little sick cuz of changing weather. Soo I couldn't able to update.

Are y'all excited for jungkook's album😍

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Stay healthy and take care of yourself okay💖 because you can easily get sick because of changing weather.

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