chapter one : the meet

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Lexy was making a video sent to Grant Collins and was explaining that her sister was missing and hoped he would help her find her after that she and Jake and Devon head to the airport and go on plane then wait to go to D.C
Grant's pov
He was at school being on tikok when he saw Lexy's video he was feeling bad for her then he offered to help
He texts her " hey girl"
After that Grant was heading to class and just trying to focus after his school day ended he wait for Lexy to reply
Lexy devon and Jake were walking to the cafe when Lexy got the text " hey girl"
Lexy looked at Devon saying " he said hey girl what should I say?"
Devon looked at the text it had a yellow heart and Devon says " just say where are we meeting you and we have serious stuff to say and let's bond over grief to bond"
Jake looked at Devon says " yeah that seems good but don't make it too weird "
Grant answered back
Grant: at the cafe , meet me there by 3 pm which is now see ya then(;

Lexy sees the text and comes with Devon and Jake to the cafe
A man in a suit says " you can't be here not public gathering "
Grant walks over to them saying " no their my friends " he explained
Lexy nods along and Devon and Jake glanced at each other
Then they go to sit with Grant
Grant says " so.. your Lexy?" He asked wondering
Lexy says " yep I'm Lexy and I need your help to find my sister " she explained
Jake added " she's missing and she's all Lexy has " he wipes his nose
Devon says " yeah and we need to save her or find her before stuff happened again" he feels a little worried
Grant says " I'll help you guys find her " he explained then sips his drink
Lexy says " thank you it means a lot " she smiled at him , Grant says " yw* he smiled back
Devon says " your following tikok accounts about Grief right* he asked
Jake looked at Grant then wonders why
Grant says " well.. I loss my brother and it's been hard so" he answers
Lexy says " I'm so sorry for you," she hugs him Grant hugs her saying " thanks lex "
They start to take a selfie together and have fun together until they had to leave
Grant says " see you guys around" he waves goodbye
And they leave

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