Teachers Pet

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CW: minor humiliation kink, consensual choking, 18+

The way he looked at you that lesson made you feel sick. You walked in and sat at your usual spot, your professor entering just on time as always. Instead of chirping his usual, "morning," to the class, he dropped his things onto his desk and sighed. He glanced in your direction briefly and you smiled at him. He quickly looked away, expression not changing at all. Okay, maybe he had a bad morning? You knew he had a good night, so what changed in the last 12 hours?

"I'll wait," he sighed grumpily, waiting for the class' murmurs to die down. He looked down and fiddled with his pen as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. The class eventually got the hint, the room quickly growing silent. "Great. Today we're revising chapter 30. Your exam is in two weeks, so I want there to be no talking, and everyone is to pay attention."

His tone was flat and his face was expressionless. He grabbed out a whiteboard marker and began writing equations on the board. Your classmates looked at each other in confusion, raising their eyebrows, mouthing, "I don't know?" at one another. The class listened, nobody even whispering to their friends.

You were so confused as to why he was acting this way, but you decided that you didn't want to make it worse. Yet, on the other hand... You could have some fun with this.

"Alright. Let's see who studied." He mischievously smirked, turning to face the silent class. "Who can explain this equation to me?"

Some students raised their hands unconfidently, the professor pointing to a random student. They explained the equation in a voice slightly too soft for his liking.

"Speak up," he huffed, leaning on the edge of his desk. You knew it was fucked up, but there was something so sexy about him being so pissed. The student cleared their throat before perfectly explaining the equation, you of course barely understood as your tutoring sessions didn't consist of much tutoring.

"Good. That's one of you that actually listens," he chuckled to himself dryly, continuing to scribble more scenarios onto the board. Everyone nervously copied down what he was writing, but you couldn't seem to take your eyes off him.

You sat forward on your elbows, admiring the way he used his hands a little too much when he explained things, the way he absentmindedly ran a hand through his hair or trailed his fingers over his stubble.

He rolled his eyes when he saw you were the only one not doing your work, quietly walking over to your desk. "This is why you don't perform well," he seethed, eyes dark and angry. He spoke only loud enough so you could hear.

"I'm sorry sir, I-"

"Save it," he cut you off, angrily opening your book for you and roughly placing your pen in your hand. "You need to try, Y/N, or I won't help you anymore." He threatened as he began to walk away.

"Oh please, we both know you don't wanna give that up." You retorted back like a smart ass, making him stop in his tracks. You really shouldn't have said that. He turned back to glare at you, the anger inside him only growing fiercer when he saw the cocky smirk on your lips.

He shook his head and walked back up to the front to write a new equation on the board. "Okay!" He clapped his hands together loudly, startling the entire class. "Hmmm.." He pretended to scan the class to 'randomly' pick a student, finger pressed to his lip. "Y/N, can you come up and complete this please?"

Your heart dropped when he fired the same cocky smirk your way, waiting expectantly for you to get out of your seat. You did, your legs nearly giving out on the short walk to the whiteboard. He handed you the marker with a deadpan stare, motioning to the board.

Professor StoneWhere stories live. Discover now