Dom and amanda meeting Doms family

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Amanda's pov
We're staying with doms family in Greenwich for a few days, it's about twenty minutes drive from his apartment.I'm so nervous ,what if they don't like me. Dom kisses me and says " babe they'll love you, you know what flowers mum likes and the wine and chocolates they eat even though you didn't need to buy anything". I say " of course I do dom, I'm your girlfriend, you only get one chance to make a good first impression, their your family they're obviously going to be protective of you". Dom says " hey just be yourself, there going to love you, I'll give you some time to yourself". Later we set off after going to the supermarket . We arrive Doms mum hugs him then me, I give her the flowers wine and chocolates she says " oh thank you so much Amanda, you really didn't need to,,dinner will be in a few hours, go upstairs to your room, you're brothers aren't here yet and your fathers is out". We go up to his room and lay on his bed, dom starts stroking my hair and I say " your mum seems so nice how long ago did you move out", he says " when I was 17, I know it's young but I felt like it was the right thing to do, I miss being home obviously even though I never left london".

Doms pov
We go downstairs and Amanda offers to help mum with the cooking. She really dosent need to, she's already made a good impression with mum we sit together with my family and have a delicous meal, the conversation flows so easily, it's just amazing. Amanda fits right in with the family, I literally can't believe how well she gets on with them,obviously I knew they'd love her but this is absolutely amazing, I hope a isn't to overwhelmed . Later we're watching a film,,I hear soft snores and see Amanda asleep mum nods and I take Amanda upstairs. She wakes up and I say " mum said it was fine we're spending the next few days her so we can call it a night tonight". She smiles and kisses me, I kiss back and she gets on top of me. I break apart to say " do you want this, I mean we said we wouldn't rush things". She says " of course I'm sure, yes we said we wouldn't rush things but I don't think we are". We start ripping each other's clothes off and it's the best sex of my life, I'm so glad that it happens, I mean of course I've thought about it with Amanda but it was better then I expected it to be.

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