The rise of the dead unborn: William.

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Everyone could be two things a genius or a strong person. I am neither or, but I won't forget the feeling of the flames burning my body... well my unborn body that is... but all that suffering to put me into a new body and call it a 'vessel' apparently this body getting hit by a car wasn't enough to fuck it up so they burned it with my soul intact with it... The hands of the undead ripping out my jaw, tearing out my organs and intestines as they use my blood vessels to saw off my skin which I have no clue they did it but hey at least I know how to take out eyes two ways! One is driving your thumb to the pupil as you grab that little optic nerve and pull it out like a thread from clothing. Another is by punching it but your knuckle need to reach the retina but that's too much work.

William thinks to himself is on the Chrysler building on one of the heads. He looks around trying to find something or someone.

William: After all that pain a fat clown appears and gave me a suit called k7 leetha? He did say it's an improved version so a mark 2? Then he gave me a name William, gave me an average intelligence and skills in earth blah blah blah...

He jumps off the building as the cape began to reach back to the heads and toss him back.

William: Then this thing always brings me back here whenever I jump. No time to complain I need to find the mark one of what ever I'm wearing, find someone like me and hope that I can learn why am I here in the first place. But first to get down from here.

Suddenly William slips from the heads and comes down full speed towards the ground causing a loud crash. Unharmed he sits up as he rubs his head.

William: Well... finally on the ground. Ground what a weird word to think. Ground... ground

He rubs his head as he limps towards the wall. William winces as he sits on the ground and back against the wall

William: Well I'm in this... Weird place...

A/n: To us readers it's an alleyway and if your confused on why he can't tell then your not reading the book.

Suddenly a sound of a gun clocking echoed the dark alleyway. William hid behind a trash can as he sees a man pointing a gun at a woman.

William: What'sthatthing?whyisntshedoinganytjing?isshescsred?

William thinks as a deep dark voice spoke in his head.

???: Kill

Suddenly Williams whole demeanor changes as his glowing green eyes grew brighter. Suddenly he leaps at the mugger then with a single punch, punches his head caving it in.

Then William sees images, or a better term memory's, not his memories but what seems the mugger's memory's. A childhood he never experienced, a culture never his, the life he never experienced... he finally knew what it's like to be a human.

William whom eyes are widened stood up as the blood of the criminal was covered on his hand. Turning to the woman as his green eyes gaze at her.

William: "Go."

The woman immediately hurry's away from the alleyway. William looks at the corpse as he grabs the clothes off of it as he puts it on. Just as he puts on the pants his cape disappears.

William: Convenient

William puts on the remaining clothes from the corpse. To the boots all the way to the beanie, he dumps the body in the dumpster. Before he could walk away from the scene he picks up the m9 the mugger was using off the ground and concealed it.

William walks away and off the scene as he looks around with the new knowledge and words he learned from swearing to the woman wearing revealing clothing on the corners with cigarette.

He continues to venture off as the mechanical vehicles past through the streets. While walking on the pavement he finds an abandoned building with a cross on one of the cone roofs. William enters the building as rows of benches were in front of him as well for an alter that has a crucifixion of someone with a crown of thorns.

William ventures deeper in the church as he is approached with a door he goes through it and finds a study. He opens the drawers and cabinets finding nothing but a book that has golden engravings in the front.

William picks it up as he reads.

William: "Holy bible?"

For a second he thinks then holds the Bible's in his arms as he continues to explore the church. He goes to the stairs that leads him to the rooftop, he goes to the edge as he looks around as the fresh air hits his nose, the noises of cars honking and couples arguing at a far distance filled his ears.

He looks at the lights as he is just staring at them. Star stuck he moves his head around. Amazed was the best way to describe his thoughts as words flood his head.

William walks down the stairs as he sat on the bench. He looked and studied the stained glass, though it may be broken William was still awed at the art. He sneezes as the dust went to his nose, he began to lay on the benches. The wood in the bench creaked loudly as it echoed through the building.

William looks at the Bible as he sat up and opened the book.

William: So many words!

He thought to himself as he read the first chapter of the Bible, the chapter of genesis.

He continued to read the whole chapter of genisis throughout the whole night without rest.

End of chapter one.

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