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RORY and Robin sat at the dinner table, even tho it was midnight and they were meant to be in bed, their new school sent them homework to complete before starting as punishment for getting kicked from their old school

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RORY and Robin sat at the dinner table, even tho it was midnight and they were meant to be in bed, their new school sent them homework to complete before starting as punishment for getting kicked from their old school

"its all ur fault you hija de puta" rory mutters as robins face turns into an offended one. "EXCUSEE ME?" he says as he chucks his pen in her face and runs

"oh hell nah" she mutters and runs after him, hitting him with one of maddys slippers she selectively picked up.

she hits him numerous times before busting out into laughter and laying on the floor with her brother. "are you worried for tomorrow?" robin asks.

"no, its not like we moved from denver to la because we were so bad, oh wait we did" she says sarcastically as her brother chuckled. "i hope finney and gwen are okay, i feel bad" rory mummers

"its just the way things go" he shrugs, getting up from the ground. "we have to finish the homework rory, lets go" robin announced as he stuck his hand out for rory to take

"yep" she sighs heavily, walking back to the dining room

"yep" she sighs heavily, walking back to the dining room

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"ROBIN" the girl cries, shaking her brother violently. "WE FELL ASLEEP" she says as the boy rubs his eyes. "whats the time?" he says

"8:00, we gotta get there and 8:25 and its a 30 minute walk" she panics, running like a maniac around the house to try and get ready.

"we will just be late then, because theres no way im going in on the first day looking ass" he says, brushing his hair. rory runs to her room, quickly changing into flared jeans, a tube top and a shoulder cover over top, apllying deo along the way

she then quickly adds two braids to her hair, brushing it before rushing to their shared bathroom to brush her teeth. "TIME?" she shouts with toothpaste filling her mouth

"8:15" her brother yells, tieing his bandana across his head.
the young arellano girl runs downstairs, rushing to the front door and sits down, fighting with her converse to get them on

"we running to school?" robin questions, as rory pulls a wierded out face at him "no i dont want to sweat" she says as he nods and they exit the house, robin passing rory her bag

"okay why didnt maddy wake us up?" she asks, scratching her head as the two speed walk to school. "because she spent the night at her new friends house stupid" he replies as the two laugh

after about 20 minutes of pure speed walking, the two were standing outside the school. "you ready?" robin asks, as the girl nods and they check the watch on the boys wrist

"we r ten minutes late" robin murmmers as they walk inside, looking directly at the office. "hi, we are new." rory smiles softly at the lady as she lowers her glasses

"late on the first day miss and mr arellano?" she says as she sorts throught their files. "yeah, the homework this school set us made us go to sleep late and wake up late" robin explains as the teacher passes them both tardy passes

"your both in room 320 with mr o" she says as they nod in sync and walk away. "shes got a stick up ha ass" rory whispers as robin laughs loudly

"fax" he replies as they stand beside room 320, "lets go then stupid" she says as they enter the room. "hi" rory smiles as she enters the classroom

"oh miss arellano your here! i was wondering why we missed your name" the teacher says, collecting her tardy pass. "wheres ur brother aurora?" sir says. "rory" she replies almost instantly

"hm?" the teacher furrows his brows. "i dont go by aurora, its rory" she says as his mouth forms an 'o' and he nods. "oh and robin ran" she shrugs as the class laughs

"oh uhm go sit infront of dustin and your brother can sit next to you when he joins us" he says as a curlyhead raises his hand, indicating hes dustin

she sits in her chair, resting her head in her palm. "hey aurora" she hears a whisper behind her and she turns to see dustin smirking behind her. "hi?" she says. "where you from?" he asks, leaning back in his chair

"denver" she smiles, thinking of all the memories. "cool, im dustin" he says. "i know, im rory" she says sarcastically. "ai is that your brother?" he says as she turns to see robin talking with the teacher

robin walks over to the seat and sits, immediately slapping his sister on the back of the head. "you snitch" he says as she gives him a dirty look

"you left me cobarde" she replies, pulling his hair. "who u calling a coward pussy." robin replies as they hear laughing behind them. "no this is so funny continue" dustin says as the two eye him

"im dustin" he says to the arellano boy. "robin" he says as the two dap eachother up. "gross"she whispers, turning to the front. "shush aurora" dustin says, emphasising on her gov name

"u gon have that rory?" robin chuckles as she glares daggers at the pair. "oh you know vance moved to this school aswell?" robin says, causing the girls eyes to widen and her head slowly turns towards him

"my bestie vance??" she says. "bro vance is scary he came before summer break last year god damn" dustin mutters. "hes my bestfriend!!" she says excitedly

rory enjoyed annoying vance when she was in denver because she knew that he wouldnt hurt her because he thought of her as a little sister

"okay class come get your locker codes and get out of my class!" sir announces as the class gets up and walks to collect their codes, before walking out

"hi, rory?" the girl hears behind her and she turns to see one tall blonde and short girl with a bowlcut. "hi?" she smiles. "im maya and this is anna, wanna be friends?" the shorter girl suggested

"ye- what the fuck!" she begins but is cut off by someone pulling her away from the girls and she looks to see dustin. "you dont wanna be friends with them, they are a lil delusional" he says as she looks at him

"thats so rude" she says as he looks at her. "be friends with them then, dont say i didnt tell you though" he shrugs and walks away, leaving her dumbfounded

"okay, i guess im friendless for now." she mutters and continues walking to the changing rooms, having no idea where they are and just following the first ginger she sees.

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