Big batty boy

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It was a freezing winters evening, the harsh wind hitting against Tanizaki as his wrists were forcefully bound to a small wooden chair in the depths of an abandoned warehouse - He wasn't aware of his surroundings, due to the bag that had been thrown around his head, or how he'd even ended up in such a peculiar situation in the first place, but there was only one group of people he knew that would do something like this, especially to him out of all people; the port mafia - the rivals of the Armed Detective Agency. It seemed like ages, hours even, until the small ginger finally heard what appeared to be someone approaching him. He had hoped and prayed that it was a member of the ADA, or at least someone that had come to rescue him and get him out of this mess.

It was only when the bag was (quite harshly) removed that Tanizaki finally found out who this mysterious kidnapper was. It was Tachihara, a member of the Port mafia, as he had suspected. But something wasn't quite right - instead of the midnight blue denim jeans, baggy white t-shirt (that always had some strange stains on it) and the cropped forest green jacket the man usually wore, had been replaced by a grey Nike tracksuit with the trousers of it barely covering Tachi's pants, giving him a massive sag. But if that wasn't the worst of it, he also had a bumbag and Jordans to top his odd look off. 

"W-W-What are you d-doing.............? W-Why am i here.... What do you want from me....!!!!" Tanizaki cried out loudly, earning a look of disgust from the other man. Scared was an understatement for how he was feeling in this moment, as his kidnapper loomed over him with his large figure, causing the smaller boy to shake in fear.

"Aye shut your trap before mans shuts it for you yeah? Mans noticed your big gyatt awhile ago and wanted to tap it, y'get me?" Tachihara replied in an aggressive, dominating tone of voice, his eyes cold and cruel as they stared into the widened, tear filled brown ones of the boy bound to the chair in front of him.

"T-Tachihara..... -this isn't the real you..!!! I-I know you... you would never do this.... not after everything we've been through... r-right..??" The younger man pleaded and begged, wishing to be freed from this terrifying situation. Who  knows what Tachihara was planning on doing to him? He could only dream that the ADA would notice he was missing and track him down quick enough before anything drastic happened. His pleading received a cold slap across the face from the mafia member, quickly shutting him up.

"Oi, mans didn't kidnap you to talk and cry, shut up fam, or else mans will get the mandem to come and chef you up innit." The mans voice echoed throughout the run down warehouse. His patience was running wearily thin.

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