Pokémon Movie 1: Mewtwo Strikes Back (pt. 3)

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"Before we resume, here." Jen snapped her fingers, and a Pokédex appeared in front of Izuku and Kurogiri, which caught them by surprise. "What's this?" He asked as he looked at the device curiously.

"A Pokédex. It has an encyclopedia of all the Pokémon all of you are going to encounter, instead of me telling you. It's a pain in the ass to do all the explaining. All you have to do is scan the Pokémon in front of you." Jen said.

Everyone looked at the Pokédex in amazement. "What an amazing device, with this, we'll learn everything!" David said.

The mechanics and inventors stared at the Pokédex with sparkles in their eyes. "Now that's done. Let's continue watching." Jen said, and everyone now turned their attention towards the screen.

The scene shows three trainers outside what looks like a picnic set up and two Pokémon playing with each other. "In order to become a Pokémon Master, Ash continues his journey of training with the others. The weather is nice, so they're taking a break in a field." The narrator said.

"Who are they?" Denki asked. "The one who is cooking is Brock, the other who's setting up the table is Misty, and the one sitting is the main character, Ash Ketchum. All three of them are Pokémon Trainers." Jen told them.

"How old are they?" Uraraka asked. "Brock is 15, Misty is 10, and Ash is also 10." Jen answered. "Damn. So young. They must be hell of brave going out on their own. But some Trainers travel in groups, too." Present Mic said. Some of the heroes nodded.

Izuku and Kurogiri held up the Pokédex in front of them to scan the Pokémon on the screen.

"Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon. An Electric-type. When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.

"Togepi, the Spike Ball Pokémon. A Fairy-type. The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly."

"Aww~, they're so cute!" Toru said, squealing. "I know, right!" Mina said, stealing as well. A few girls cooed at the Pokémon on screen.

"You think you can do that, Kamibro?" Kirishima said after hearing Pikachu's Pokédex entry. "I don't know, doesn't hurt to try." Kaminari said, shrugging. "Please don't." Jirou said in an annoyed tone.

"Togepi brings good luck when treated nice? That's sounds easy. I mean, who can hurt this cutie?" Mt. Lady said, gushing at the baby Pokémon.

"If any of you are wondering, Pikachu's trainer is Ash, and Togepi's trainer is Misty." Jen told them. "Really? Now, I'm curious about the rest of their Pokémon team, including Brock's as well." Awase said, and everyone agreed with him.

"So hungry, need food." Ash whined while laying his head on the table. "Oh, Ash, quit complaining and help out, too!" Misty said with her hands on her hips. "I can't. I'm too tired and hungry to move a millimeter." He said. "Geez." Misty said with a pout.

"Boil it slowly, patiently raise it. You can't rush with neither soup nor Pokémon." Brock said as he stirred the pot of soup he's cooking.

Pikachu and Togepi stopped playing when they sensed someone coming in their direction, and both of them ran to their Trainers.

"Who's that? An enemy?" Sato asked. "Hope not. We just now started." Sero said, worried.

"Hey, you there! I'm looking for a Pokémon Trainer named Ash from Pallet Town! You know 'im?" A random trainer asked, pointing at them. "Yeah, he's me!" Ash told him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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