Grian: I’m the smartest, wisest person in this group.
Mumbo Jumbo: Really? Then why is your hand stuck in a vending machine?
Grian: I paid for my Mars Bar, I’m getting my Mars Bar. (Would do, have done)
Grian: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am-
ImpulseSV: A doll.
PearlescentMoon: A cinnamon roll.
Xisuma: A sweetheart.
Grian: ...stop it.
Grian: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined.
ZombieCleo: Heck.
Grian: You're on thin fucking ice.
Grian: Oh no-
FalseSymmetry: Do you take constructive criticism?
ZombieCleo: Not without crying (Me)
Grian: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
Grian: I have one brain cell and it bounces around in my skull like a windows screen saver.
Grian: When it hits a corner perfect, I’m allowed one good idea.
PearlescentMoon: *on the phone with Grian* I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.
Grian: You’re pulling Oreos apart and saving off the frosting to make a mega Oreo, aren’t you.
PearlescentMoon: Maybe. (WHATS WRONG WITH THAT)
Mumbo Jumbo: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Mumbo Jumbo: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies.
Grian: Socks are Feetie Heaties.
Xisuma: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties.
ImpulseSV: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies.
FalseSymmetry: Stamps are Lickie Stickies.
Geminitay: I hate you guys so much.
Grian: Not to brag, but I can go into the Spirit Halloween without crying. (Me too, good job 👏)
Grian: If a demon possessed me, I’d just be like, “Okay, take it from here, good luck man.”
Xisuma: Grian, what is the ONE thing I asked you NOT to do tonight?
Grian: Raise the dead.
Xisuma: And what did you do?
Grian: Raise the dead.
Geminitay: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween!
Grian: That doesn't exist.
Geminitay: Not with that attitude.
ImpulseSV: Can you keep a secret?
Mumbo Jumbo: Do you know anything about my life?
ImpulseSV: No, I don't. Good point.
PearlescentMoon: The first time Grian opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside they yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!"
PearlescentMoon: When surrendering, Geminitay is to hand the sword over HILT first.
*Grian falls through the ceiling, landing near Mumbo Jumbo*
Grian: Hey, Mumbo Jumbo!
Mumbo Jumbo: Hey, Grian!
Mumbo Jumbo:  …that hurt.
Grian: People tell me I have a unique way of lighting up a room.
Geminitay: It’s called arson and those people are called witnesses.
Grian: Do you ever feel like exploding? Have you experienced the urge to enter the process of combustion? Has your mind created a logical idea, known as thought, to disperse your body into thousands of particles suddenly?
ImpulseSV: It’s 3 am, please go back to sleep.
Grian: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Mumbo Jumbo: 'Prettiest Smile'
FalseSymmetry: 'Nicest Personality'
Geminitay: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
PearlescentMoon: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'

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