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Olivia's POV:
As I pull up at Beth-Anne's I see a little face peer through the window. Jesse. I get out and the door opens.
"Auntie Liv!" Jesse runs for me
"Hey Jesse." I hug her.
'Where's mama?" She asks
"She's at my house but she got hurt so she's staying with me and Noah and you will be too." I smile
"Big Sleepover!" Jesse smiles as Beth-Anne walks out with Jesse's bag.
"Hello Olivia." Beth-Anne smiles
"Hey Beth-Anne." I reply and grab the bag off her.
"Jesse, you gonna give Nana a hug?" Beth Anne asks
"Bye Nana," jesse hugs her and I lead her to my car and buckle her in.
"Ok Jess, we're gonna go to your house and get some things and your school uniforms ok baby?" I ask her
She nods and I play a show for her whilst I drive to Amanda's house.
"Auntie Liv, where's Daddy?" Jesse asks warily
"Uh Jesse." I sigh, "did your daddy ever hurt you or mama?"
"Yes. He used to push me into the wall and he hurt mama. Is that why mama hurt!" Jesse whispers
"It's ok honey." I smile as we pull up at Amanda's, "he doesn't have to be your daddy anymore. He's gone away for a long time."
I get her out and carry her in. I take her up to her room and pack a few bags. I then go to Amanda's room and grab some of her things. I carry all the bags out. I close the trunk and buckle Jesse back in and drive back to mine. I carry all the bags up and Jesse follows. I walk in and out the bags down.
"Mama!" Noah runs and hugs me
"Hey Sweet boy." I chuckle
"Jesse!" Noah hugs her
"Noah!" Jesse smiles as Amanda Wheels out followed by Lucy.
"Mama!" Jesse runs for Amanda
"Hey Baby." Amanda hugs her, "how's was time with Nana?"
"Good, Auntie Liv said we're gonna live here for a while." Jesse smiles
"Yes baby." Amanda smiles.
"Noah, Jesse is gonna stay in your room ok?" I tell Noah
"Ok Mommy. Jesse Come one!" Noah pulls Jesse toward his room
I carry Jesse's bags in and then move Amanda's. Lucy leaves and I sit on the couch with Amanda. She lays her legs over mine and rests her head on my shoulder. I message Mark Walkers. The divorce attorney I know. He replies saying he'll come over.
"Uh, the divorce attorney I know. His name is Mr Walker. He's on his way over." I tell her and kiss her hair.
She nods. There is a knock on the door and I get up to let Mark in. He sits on the single seat in the main room. I grab Noah's tablet and walk into the kids room.
"So me and auntie Amanda are busy so watch movies." I tell Noah
He nods and I leave. I sit back out on the couch with Amanda.
"So Mrs Smith," Mark begins
"Miss Rollins please." Amanda corrects
He nods, "so miss Rollins, you want to divorce your husband, Markus Smith?"
"Yes, he was abusive, there was no prenuptial agreement. I didn't sign one because he is broke. No Job. So all accounts are in my name and the house. What do I have to sign?" Amanda asks
"Uh, just here." Mark hands her some pages and she signs them, "I'll deliver these to Mr Smith and get back to you. I do have a payment. $698 dollars."
"You got card?" She asks
"Here." Mark holds out a white thing
Amanda taps a card and Mark leaves. I get up and start dinner. I serve it up and place the bowls on the table. The kids sit opposite us and I get a chair for Amanda to put her ankle on.
"Kids, Dinner!" I call and help Amanda into her seat.
They run out and climb into the seats. We start eating.
"Mama, are we always gonna be here?" Jesse asks
"I don't know baby girl." Amanda replies.
"Ok." Jesse replies
We finish up and I get the kids bathed and in their PJ's.
"Alright, bed time." I herd the kids into bed,
"Kay Mama." Noah smiles
"Yes Auntie Liv." Jesse giggles and I tuck them both in.
"Night kiddos." I smile and kiss thier foreheads.
I walk out and see Amanda in bed, "hey baby."
"Hey Amanda." I climb into bed beside her, "love you."
"Love you too." She replies and we head to sleep.

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