056. 'impossible to understand how you're not comin' back'

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"Feels like we had matching wounds

But mine's still black and bruised"

         THE SUN HUNG IN THE centre of the sky above the Plaza Hotel in New York, casting its golden glow over the wounded and weary demigods who had taken refuge on the top floors. Will Solace had been tending the injured along with his brothers and sisters — this was nothing out of the ordinary for the campers of Apollo. However, it didn't make the whole event any less tiring. After all, they were all a part of the battered and bruised, but the moment Travis and Kayla had returned from... buying some mortal medications, Will did not waste a single moment but snatch it and make his way to the terrace.

It was something he had never foreseen happening, you know? All his life, he had always been the one to either be tended or tend to others all the while his sister supervised. This was a sight that he wasn't used to; Will Solace was silently overwhelmed by the sight of his sister, Dodie, in the fatal condition that she was in: Death had almost welcomed her on their doorstep.

That was something Will could have never imagined in all his life, but it happened. It actually did.

Sure, she was doing better than she did a few hours ago. And sure, the sun could help her rejuvenate the energy that the poison had sucked from her very being, as well as the fact that he had already tended the wound from letting the poison spread throughout her body and to her heart, but he wasn't going to say that she was in the clear just yet. She was a mess. They were all a mess, beat up and bruised, waiting like dead bodies preparing to rot.

Speaking of the dead, Will paused for a moment and looked out through the see-through door to see his sister lying on the lounge, toying with the blanket she was covered with. He had realised that none of them had broken it to her regarding Michael. Sure, they were prepared to be killed, but Michael was the most shocking; they couldn't even find his body, which only led them all to the impression that his body had long washed away with the sea. I

Isn't that a bit too cruel?

Either way, how were they supposed to break it to their eldest, strongest, yet most emotional sister that once again, they had lost a counsellor,. Not gonna lie, Will was starting to believe that the title 'Counselor' was cursed. Luke betrayed them. Then Lee and Castor died, and then it was Beckendorf. And not to mention Michael? Soon enough it'd be any one of them, perhaps Dodie would've been next in line when she had gotten stabbed by that traitor Ethan Nakamura, but she escaped death. For now.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now