3 | Why is he everywhere?

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Panic instantly surges through my veins as I debate on how to act in this situation. If I snatch the envelope, and act like it doesn't even exist, this will definitely come off as suspicious. But, if I let it sit there in the open, I'll have to explain it's existence.

Yeah, this anonymous person sends me letters every week, and I enjoy reading them.

Yikes, no.

"Who is that for? Your soulmate?" Jeonghan asks before I solve my indecisiveness. His tone of voice tells me that he's very interested, and amused.

Why is this guy always amused when I'm in a pickle?

"Uh, me!" I cringe and look around when my reply comes out squeaky and loud.

Real smooth, Haneul. Not suspicious at all. I mentally smack myself.

"Me, yeah. I write letters to myself, you know to, uh, encourage myself. School life is not easy, phew! Also, I'm just seventeen so, no soulmate yet." My reply comes out unsure, and unnatural. I can't lie to save my life. Luckily, Jeonghan seems to believe me as he nods.

"That's actually nice. What do you usually write to yourself?" He's giving me his undivided attention, making me nervous. I get all fidgety, and cannot hold eye contact when I'm lying, and he's easily gonna notice that if he keeps on looking at me that way. I choose to put the letter, and a few of my textbooks back inside my bag, avoiding meeting his eyes.

Well, not like I could hold eye contact with him for long anyways.

"I, uh, just wish myself a good day, and list songs to listen to whenever I feel stressed, or happy. Yeah, nothing much." It's not a complete lie as the letters state the same content I have just listed. My voice also returns back to normal, making my reply more believeable.

Jeonghan's eyebrows rise at my response. "Do these help in anyway? I'm quite interested, sorry if I come off too pushy with my questions." He smiles while tilting his head, and I melt instantly.

Wait, no! Back to earth, Haneul.

"It really does. It makes my day." A genuine smile grows on my face as I think about how the letters have been helping me get through terrible school days. Most of my favorite songs are the ones recommended on those letters. I have a whole drawer full of them at home.

He nods and whispers something, but I don't quite catch it. I don't even get to ask him about it as the loud screeching of the electric bell goes off, and he apologetically rushes out of the library.

I think I see his ears turning red, but his long hair covers them enough to leave me unsure about it.

The rest of my day goes by pretty smoothly with no special events in particular. I do not spot Jeonghan in the computer class, so that's quite surprising as he is present today. And, the classes leave me with headache, but that's nothing new.

As I start packing my things after the school ends, I receive a text from my cousin.

walk home together?
I heard it's 'family dinner' day

you sure it's today?

yeah, i'll wait for you

Omw 🧟‍♀️

I place my phone in my backpocket, sighing as I walk out of the school building. The so-called 'family dinner' is nothing, but simply a family gathering where the elders bitch and gossip about other people in their lives.

Invisible String | Yoon JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now