First time meeting the cats

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Taylor and you have been dating for about a year by now, and yet you never got the time to go to her apartment, let alone see her beautiful furballs. That is, until now..

"OH MY GOD!" you squeak, running to the couch, where a grumpy Meredith is found, along with Olivia and Benjamin.

You let the cats sniff your hand to get used to your scent before sitting down and petting them while Taylor just watches with an adorable smile. Eventually, the cats decide that they like you, so they rub up against your lap and hands as you pet them lovingly.

"Oh wow, despite being the one to feed you your entire lives, you still love Y/N." Taylor jokes while trying to act offended.

She sits down beside you, who is sat in awkward position as Olivia is purring in your lap, Benjamin is on your arm, and Meredith is laying on your chest. You give her a childish grin and move to peck her cheek, but the cats prevent you from moving, which causes a giggle to erupt from your girlfriend.

She moves over and pecks your cheek while caressing your hair, a loving and adoring expression being worn on her beautiful face. And for the next few hours, you remain in that same spot and Taylor does as well.

Eventually its getting dark and late, and you thought it'd be time to leave because you've never been in the apartment, let alone stay the night. However, Taylor saw you so comfortable and snuggled with her cats, that she couldnt say no. So the singer decides to order takeout while you both watch tv, and occasionally the cats will paw at you for attention.

After eating and spending most of the night cuddling with the cats, Taylor decided to drag you off the couch. After giving a brief tour of her beautiful apartment, she pulls you into her bedroom and sets you down on her bed.

"Tay wh-" you get cut off by a pair of shorts and a tshirt being tossed at you, which is followed by a snicker from Taylor.

"You're spending the night, silly. Im not letting you walk home in the freezing cold. Now get changed so I can get some time in with you since my cats decided to hog you all night." A fake pout emits from your girlfriend so you laugh and change into the offered clothes.

You two get cozy in the large bed and Taylor pulls you into a passionate kiss as her hands snake around your body. After a few intimate make out sessions, you fall asleep in her arms. Your back is pressed against her front and her arms are tightly wrapped around your torso. You both stay like that for the remainder of the night.

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