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TW: Smut

Lately you've been feeling down and insecure because of the most recent picture Taylor had posted on Insta. But, you'd never tell your giddy girlfriend how you feel about the comments.

There had been dozens of disrespectful remarks below the post, and you can't help but look at them every time your girlfriend is away. It only dragged your mental health down a rabbit hole, and soon enough you stopped eating.

Taylor had begun to suspect something's wrong, as you're always paranoid and anxious. One day, she's out at the store to buy you some flowers like the good girlfriend she is, when she's looking through her posts.

She smiles when she comes across the one that has you fast asleep and curled up in her arms. Sadly, it vanishes just at quickly when she reads a few hurtful comments. It's all aligned, and she can't help but feel heartbroken.

She decides to secretly make her way into Victoria's secret, buying a couple pairs of lingerie and then heading back to the apartment.


You're curled up in a ball, similar to the picture of you on Taylor's post, but you're silently crying. You haven't even noticed that your girlfriend had returned until she slowly opens the bedroom door with a bag in her hand. Her expression is worried, but it's also full of love.

"Oh darling..." She says under her breath, clearly concerned when her eyes come across your tear-stained cheeks.

Without another word, she sets the bag down and crawls into bed, pulling you into her arms. She had gone through a similar situation, and knowing that you, her lover, is going through the same thing tears her heart apart. She rubs your back soothingly before deciding to try another appeal to make you feel better.

Taylor's fingers trail up and down your spine before she pecks your cheek and makes you look up at her.

"Sweetheart, I know you're struggling with your body image. I don't know if anything I say will help, but just know that I love you for you. I'm dating you for your personality and humor. Your body is just a perk to it." She caresses your cheek.

Hearing her genuine voice only makes your heart beat faster. Your heart swells up with love, and you wrap your arms around her neck, kissing her softly. You can already begin to feel your girlfriend's hands wandering all over your body, and that makes you stop and pull back.

However, Taylor doesn't stop. She needs you to know that you're beautiful, inside and out. She gently pushes you back before cradling your stomach. Her fingers slowly brush a few strands out of your eyes before making their way down to your shirt.

"I need you to know how beautiful you are, Y/n. If it takes me fucking it into you, then I'll do it." Her voice rasps, which does something to you.

Your cheeks flush as she abruptly takes off your shirt and flings it across the room. Her hands rapidly slide off your shorts, and soon enough, you're naked. She's still on top of you when she starts to move her lips to yours. Her hot breath against your face makes you shiver in delight.

Taylor smashes her lips against yours, and as you're in a minute world of bliss, you don't realize you're on your stomach until her lips are trailing down the back of your neck. Once your eyes open, you can see a mirror in front of you, with your reflection looking back at you.

Suddenly, your girlfriend gets off the bed and picks up the bag. Your eyes widen once you realize it's a bag from Victoria's Secret, and that's when you know you're in for a treat. Tay gets changed into a set of white lingerie right in front of you.

Then, in the blink of an eye, she's right back to straddling your nude body. She grips your hips and pulls them up a bit. That's when you feel a thick object press against your wet entrance.

After getting you prepared and wet enough, Taylor thrusts into you, and as a result, you let out a guttural moan. She grips your hip with one hand before gently grabbing your hair, making you watch her fuck you senselessly in the mirror. It's a bit embarrassing to watch, but you'll admit that it was hot seeing your girlfriend like this.

You can hear her own quiet grunts as she thrusts in and out of you, and can feel your climax building in the lower part of your abdomen.

Your mixed moans are the only noises that echo through the apartment and soon enough your built up pleasure is at its peak.

"Tay!!" You moan out and come undone.

She helps you ride out whilst slowly pulling out, and then flips you onto your back. She made sure you were watching the entire time, and she grins widely. Your droopy eyes meet hers, and all you can do is smile drowsily at her.

"Better?" She asks softly, wiping away any remaining juices from between your thighs with a tissue that she got from the nightstand.

You nod and she takes that as a sign that you're exhausted, so she helps you lay down correctly at the head of the bed. She drapes the duvet over your bare body and then undresses herself. She climbs into bed beside you and holds you.

"I love you, Y/n. Don't ever forget that. Your body is just as beautiful as your personality, and if you ever need reassurance or anything, come to me." She whispers and pecks the tip of your nose.

That's the last thing you hear before falling asleep in your lover's arms. She holds you close for the rest of the night and slowly falls asleep beside you after tracing circles on your hip.

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