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Chapter Six
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"Yo, Hudson."

Following the banging on my door, the voice proceeded to keep saying my name until I couldn't tune it out anymore. I was just about to save the civilians from the sexy, evil bank robber when I was rudely ripped out of my mid-day nap.

"What?" I called, rubbing my eyes roughly.

"Wanna' go out?"

I groaned to myself, not loud enough for Tyler to hear me. Picking up my phone and blinding myself with the light, I groaned once more seeing as it was only 8:30 at night. My eyes closed again but he kept knocking on my door and jiggling the knob.

This time the moan I let out wasn't a secret. I sat up in my bed but kept my head hanging low. "What do you want?" I shouted, annoyed that I was awoken but ultimately thankful I wasn't going to wake up at the crack of dawn with nothing to do but wait for my first class. My ankles cracked as I padded over to the door, pulling it open slowly.

"We're going to a thing. You in?"

I stared at him. "Who, where, and what?"

Tyler smiled mischievously, delving deeper into my room and began to start pulling out my drawers as if he were searching for something. "That's for me to know, and you to find out," he spoke with playfulness etched in his words. 

"What are you doing?" I demanded when he threw a t-shirt at me.

"Let's go. I don't think Dani would like your Minnie Mouse T-shirt," he said. I looked down at my oversized, faded Disney World souvenir I called a bed shirt, scoffing in offense. This shirt was my safety blanket. I had spotted it when I was nine and begged my parents to get it, but it only came in women's sizes. My mom overcompensated when picking the size, suggesting I would grow into it. I didn't.

Times like those are how I wondered how my parents were so surprised that I was having thoughts about the same sex. I basically came out at nine years old. Or the time when I was in middle school and did an entire creative writing piece on Miley Cyrus. My dad just assumed it was because I had a crush on her, but really I just wanted to be Hannah Montana.

I buried my face in the shirt he threw at me before changing into it. Despite my groans of despair, I was actually excited.

This was more social interaction than I felt that I'd had my entire junior year. Other than Austin dragging me to the few parties he got us barely invited to, or the entirely too awkward double dates that were arranged more in his favor than mine. Kaya didn't help much with my introvertedness, since she preferred to stay in, too.

I grabbed a snack on the way out, tucking my keys and phone safely in my pocket. Unable to help myself, I wondered if Zane would be there. It was only one night together but I wanted to see him again immediately. It felt like we had unfinished business.

"It's a bit of a hike but I promise this will be worth it, okay? Trust me," Tyler insisted, his voice bubbly. "Oh, and Dani literally won't stop talking about you. She's probably gonna' be all over you tonight."

He laughed to himself as we walked to the bus stop. It was an on campus shuttle bus that would take us to the main road where we can hail a cab. I hugged myself tightly, this weather being the death of me. If I had to choose between sweating every second of every day or shivering nonstop, I'd pick sweating. The cold was not my friend, but that might have been my anemia talking.

I cleared my throat. "I love my girlfriend," I said like a total doofus.

"I love ranch but that doesn't mean I won't dip my wings into some blue cheese every now and then," Tyler said profoundly.

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