Not so happy campers (ep one)

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You are sat at your breakfast bar in the kitchen when your mom walks into the room.
"Hey honey..."she says seeming to be questioning herself to ask you something
You clear your throat.
"Are you okay mom?"You ask while putting your bowl in the dishwasher.
"Have you found a job yet?" Your mom doesn't mean this to hurt your feelings it's just because she has been falling behind on the bills because of you that's why you are trying to move out.
"Not yet mom...I'm still looking though don't worry" you say in a reassuring tone
"I have to head to school now though" you say while grabbing your bag

Time skip to after school

You are sat on your bed watching something boring on YouTube on your phone when and ad pops up for the 50th time.
"Oh my god stopppp."You groan as you try and skip it but then get interested by the ad.

"Have you ever wanted to be on international television? Well now you can be if you sign up to our new reality tv show called total drama island you will be filmed every moment of everyday for 8 weeks and you may even be able to win a small fortune if you sign up" the ad finishes as you quickly run and grab your old camera.

You set your camera up against your bookshelf as you press record.

"Hey, I'm [y/n] and I think I would be great fit for your new tv show because...ummm...well I don't really know why but I know that I am great with putting up with annoying people, just please pick me and I'd be a great fit" you say as you walk towards the camera to turn it off but suddenly you trip on the cord to the camera as you his your head on the desk and knock yourself out.

Time skip to a few weeks later

You are stood on the boat getting ready to prepare yourself for the next 8 weeks.
"What if people don't like me"
"What if I screw up as soon as I meet everyone"
You try and ignore the negative thoughts as you step onto the dock and you are greeted by Chris.

"And here arrives [y/n]. How's it hanging [y/n]?"He asked while you look at the other contestants that have arrived before you.
"Huh?oh I'm doing...okay thanks Chris" you say as you stand in between a short girl that has braces and brown hair and another girl that has dyed blue and black hair that is the same hight as you.

You stand still and quiet as the boat pulls up with another contestant. A really pretty girl walks off the boat as she seems to be a bit... oblivious? She has long blonde hair and blue eyes.
Chris looks at the camera and whispers something that I couldn't understand but it probably didn't matter anyways.
"Hiiii, okay you look so familiar" she says as she points at Chris.
"I'm Chris mcclean?..."he says as she looks even more confused.
"The host...of the show"he adds on.
"Ohhhh that's where I know you from" she smiles as she walks to me and the other contestants.
"She's quiet dumb..." you thought to yourself
"Uhhhh...Yeah"Chris exclaims but forgets about it as the boat pulls up again.

Another girl walks of the boat wearing wedges and some shorts and a crop top.she has long black hair which is stunning.
"Heather..."Chris says as she walks past him.
The girl with brown hair that I was stood next to ran up to her and started speaking more like yelling to be honest.

"HIIII, looks like we're your new friends for the next 8 weeks" she says as he braces make her saliva go all over heather making her pull a disgusted look. It gave you the creeps but it was all interrupted by the boat playing loud music as you look up at the board you see a muscular guy with a green Mohawk and a lot of piercings

"He must have been in prison at least once- right?..." you think to yourself
He chucks his bag off the boat and jumps onto the dock.
"Duncan, dude" Chris says to greet him.

"Duncan must be his name if I'm not stupid" you think while rolling your eyes.

"I don't like surprises." Duncan explains as he clenches his fist.
"Yeah your parole officer warned me about that man, he also told me to give him a holler anytime and have you return to juvy" Chris smirks as he explains
Duncan sniffs "Okay then" he smiles and walks towards me and the other contestants.

"Meet you by the campfire gorgeous" Duncan says to heather and smirks.
"Drop dead you skeeze" she exclaims as she watched him walk away.
"I'm calling my parents, you cannot make me stay here" she says while Chris smirks and pulls out a contract.

A few other contestants arrive but only one person caught your eye as they stepped off the boat.he has dark brown hair and a good style of fashion.
"He looks like a geek what the hell" you think as you chuckle to yourself.
The girl beside you with blue and black hair looks at you.
"What's so funny?" She questioned smiling slightly
"Oh it's nothing it's just- he looks like a geek" you whisper to her.

Time skip

You snap out of the conversation you were having as the rest of the campers arrive.
"First things first we need a group photo for the promos, everyone on the end of the dock" Chris says while shewing everyone to the end of the dock.
You and all the campers walk over to the end of the dock and pull a pose you clearly chose your classic peace sign and smile.
"Okay, one two three-... oop okay forgot the lenes cap"
You roll your eyes and pull the same pose
"Okay hold that pose, one two- oh- no wait cards full hang on" he says while making some space on the camera.
"Come on man my face is staring to freeze" lashawna says
"Got it okay, everyone say wawanakwa"
You and all the other campers say wawanakwa as the dock starts to crack.
"Whoaaaa-" You exclaim as you fall into the water.
"Great now my hair is wet... could this get any worse- probably" you think to yourself as you swim to the shore
"Okay guy, dry off and meet me by the campfire by ten"

End of part one of the first ep

This is a short one but I'm really tired okay ;-;
Please give me some ideas on how to make this series better so far even though I do have some ideas I'd like to hear for you guys, I'll try and post every day but I can't promise anything (also happy Halloween)

Posted 30th October 2023

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