You are too easy

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"He what ?", Mac said as Lily told him about the encounter she had with Nan.

Nan might have thought that Lily was on his side but that was never the case. She loved her brothers before anything else and she always told them everything.

"He is just wasting his time ", Itt remarked.

"You are as well , you know it's not hard to tell you are still stuck up on Day ", Lily commented.

"I need time ok", Itt said.

"Well how much do you need , cause it wont be long until Day would come after you", Lily said.

"How are you so sure ", Mac asked.

"Well from where I stand and by the way that both of those predators behave I can tell that what Nan had with P'Mac was his first relationship whereas Day has been in a few. He knows right now you need time to cool down and when you do then he will make his move. Nan is confused about what to do with the sudden empty presence in his life that's why he is desperate to get you back ", Lily said.

"You should make a book on this , How abusers minds work ", Nan said as Lily smiled.

"Should I", Lily continued on the joke as there was a knock on the door.

Lily went up to open it and she was shocked to say the least.

"Can you send Itt out ", Day asked assertively.

"Ummm, no", Lily said as she closed the door on Day's face.

Day was shocked to say the least so he rang it again and Lily opened it with a smug smirk. This time Mac and Itt had also walked till the door to see what was happening.

"Itt , I need to talk to you ", Day said as he saw Itt.

Itt sighed and thought about it before walking out.

"10 mins , that's all you have ", Itt said as Lily put a timer on her phone.

"Yes speak ", Itt said as he crossed his arms.

"Come back home with me ", Day said.

"Yeah no ", Itt said as Day held his shoulders but for the first time in their time together , Day held Itt gently and not harshly.

"I am begging you Itt , I know what I did was wrong, but I'll never do it again ", Day said.

"You did it once how do I know for sure you won't do it again ", Itt said as Day started to get a bit teary. He got on both his knees as he held Itt's hands.

"Why do they get on their knees", Lily whispers to Mac.

"Beats me ", Mac replied.

Itt looks away from Day , he didn't want to fall for an act which could prove to be harmful for him. They seem to talk some more after which Day leaves. Itt walks back and says,

"Is there a way in which I can make sure he would change ?", Itt asked.

"Giving him a chance ? Since when did you become so nice P'Itt ", Lily said.

"It's not a bad thing , being nice", Itt said.

"I guess not ", Lily said as she was gonna walk away but stopped and said,

"Invite him to a trip with all of us , we can judge something from that ", Lily suggested.


Day and Nan both are invited to the get together. They didn't expect for Gen to be there but they didn't expect anything less from Lily. They knew she would do her best to put them all down and make sure they don't end up with her brothers.

"Are you good Itt ", Gen whispers in Itt's ear to make sure he was ok with Day being there.

Itt reassured Gen that he was fine. Lily had one simple rule for the trio , make sure you have fun, though that rule didn't apply for Day and Nan. She wanted them to suffer.

They all had a two day trip planned to the hills. The ride was long. There were two cars going. One had Nan , Day , Gen and Neil and the other had Itt , Mac , Lily and Nick.
Both cars had polar opposite experiences driving to the location , but they both reached on time. Enjoying themselves by the scenery the tops were getting no attention from the bottoms.

Somehow , Nan found his opening when he discovered Mac clicking pictures of the mountains in solitude.

"Hey , Mac ", Nan said but Mac didn't bother looking at him.

"Hey Nan ", Mac replied unamused.

"You will not use that tone ", Nan said as he didn't like that Mac was talking as if Nan had no value.

"Hey Nan ", Mac said in a sarcastic happy tone. Nan sighed as he sat by the rock watching Mac click pictures.

"I didn't know you liked photography , you could have told me , I would have bought you a camera ", Nan said.

"You would have bought it for me ? Yeah you would have after I got on my knees and pleasured you ", Mac continued with his tone.

"Can you stop bringing the past ! Mac , I am really trying to change here ", Nan said as he stood up in anger.

Mac sighed as he walked closer to Nan. Small tears accumulated at Mac's eyes as he touched Nan's face and kissed him. Nan deepened the kiss and was having a bliss but the kiss broke as he looked at Mac who had a smirk. Mac spits on the ground and laughs while wiping his mouth.

"You are too easy ", Mac said as he walked away.

Nan was getting angry now. He held Mac tightly as he pulled him back.

"Why am I here if you don't want to give me a chance ? You think you can do anything cause you know that I like you. Playing with someone's feelings , is that all you can do !", Nan yelled.

Mac smiled lightly before saying,
"I don't know why you are here Nan , probably cause you wanted to come. You literally went and begged Lily to help you get me back. As for playing around , I guess you take the crown for that."

Nan was even more angered , he didn't expect for Lily to tell Mac about the conversation they had. He left Mac and went away to confront Lily about it. Lily was sitting with Itt. They both were trying to sketch something around them and Day was trying to approach Itt.

Nan barged in out of nowhere. Lily and Itt were shocked but didn't say anything despite seeing him coming to them like a zombie.

"How dare you !!! You made me a fool by saying you will help me and then righted me out ", Nan said.

"What are you on about Nan ", Itt said , confused as to why he was yelling at Lily.

"I guess , Mac told you about how you came to me for help. That's nice to know. So how does it feel Nan, I am so so curious. You are being made a fool off", Lily asked with glee in her eyes.

Nan was taken aback , such in humane behaviour wasn't something he expected from a girl like Lily , who just seemed like a strong independent lady.

"You are crazy ", Nan said.

"Hey , stop it ", Itt said as he approached Nan, to make sure he doesn't put his hands on Lily.

"Are you in this too ,is that why you brought me and Hia here , to make us realise how much of an asshole we have been !!", Nan yelled.

As the argument gets heated Gen comes running in,

"Guys , Nick and Neil are missing ."

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