Chapter 1

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As (Y/N) gets on the school bus, they grab their phone and load up the ticket.

Driver: Yep! Valid pass!

(Y/N) puts their phone back into their pocket and takes a sit near the front before  the bus leaves.

After a bit, the bus picks up a student in a wheelchair.

Driver: (Y/N), can you please take her to the disabled spot.

(Y/N) sure!

After (Y/N) takes the disabled girl to the disabled spot...

???: You're (Y/N), right?

(Y/N): Yea, why?

???: Nice! I'm Helen.

(Y/N): Nice name.

Helen: Thanks. Do you know Father and Son from The Ridonculous Race?

(Y/N): Yea, why?

Helen: Have you ever wanted to meet the son?

(Y/N): Absolutely! But there is a low chance I can.

(Y/N) goes to the nearest seat and the bus goes to the next stop.

One of the two people that got on sat behind (Y/N).

???: Hey, what's your name?

(Y/N): (Y/N), why?

???: I'm Jake.

All of a sudden, the bus stopped to a crowd outside.

(Y/N): What is going on Jake?

Jake: You'll see.

Driver: One at a time.

???1: Let me guess, loads of people are going to want autographs.

???2: What's wrong with that?

???1: Elli, I can never get a bit of my work done because children are always barging in every lesson because they want an autograph, even if they have one.

???3: Just get on the bus already.

One boy and one girl got on the bus and found somewhere to sit. (Y/N) pulls out their phone to watch a show.

All of a sudden, the bus went quiet...

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