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❝ You walked in, caught my attention..

━ I've never seen.. A man with so much dimension.


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BEST READ IN, dark mode with any font! But I would prefer if you use the font / mode of your choice so that you can be able to read comfortably. :)


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cringe humor, words

swearing, cuss words

nothing really.

if you're uncomfortable with any of this stuff, rather than leaving a hate comment / harsh words, get the hell out of my book.


''Hoyoverse, you better give me 300 primogems as compensation after this.'' You mumble before falling asleep.

Congratulations Traveler, you have been chosen by Cupid.

your wish is our command.

episode ii.


''What in the siri.'' You said just as you woke up from hearing the voice; the light of your pc set up blinding you up front, hearing the calm and soothing sound of Genshin Impact menu. Somehow, hearing the theme made your exhaustion fade away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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