Untitled Part 1

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It was a long, tiring flight. It was as long as an elephant's trunk. The good part of this flight was that it was on a Canadian airplane, so obviously, I got my friends and I first class tickets. Keep in mind, the flight was about a 20 hour and 20 minute long flight from Vancouver, Canada to Berlin, Germany, so we were really tired by the time we arrived. As I looked out the window, admiring the beauty of Berlin, Germany, my friend, Will, said "How much longer do we have, Luca?" "I'm not sure, but we will arrive as soon as a lizard can climb!!" I said, going back to admire the beauty of Germany. An hour later, we had finally arrived. I believe it was around 10:40 am when we left, so it was about 6:00 am the next day in Berlin, Germany by the time we arrived. The people that came with me on the airplane were Will Hogan, Xiao, and Jax.

The first thing we did was check into a hotel, it was called the Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin. "About time we got here," Will said in an annoyed voice. "Oh, shut up," Tsuk replied to him in an annoyed tone. "You wanna go?!" Will said as he pulled out his gun like the American he is. "LET'S GO THEN!!" Tsuk said. "What are you gonna do? Take out pas-?" Will said. "Oh my god, will you both just shut up?!" I yelled in an annoyed voice. "Just.. calm down..I'll read out who is with who." I said, trying to break them up so they wouldn't fight. "Jax and Xiao with Will, which leaves me with Tsuk.." I said. "HAH, LETS GO BABYY" Tsuk screamed out. Xiao gave me the eye saying 'Be careful.' I gave him the eye back saying 'I will, don't worry' and smiled. (Xiao is a 6'1", Korean and Australian man who takes very good care of me and is..well..uh..a bit overprotective..heh..I mean..he is a virgo..so it does kinda add up to be honest)

We all went up to the desk and asked for our room keys. The lady at the front asked "Name?" I replied saying that my name was Luca. She looked shocked, I don't know why, I didn't really ask. When we got our keys, I first told everyone that if anyone needed to use the restroom, they needed to do so now, after they should head up to their room because it was getting late. Me and Tsuk didn't so we headed up to our room. It was very, very pretty.

Tsuk and I put all our items down on the bed and started to unpack. Tsuk had one side of the bedroom, while I had the other side. The side I had was closest to the bathroom..well so it would..uhh..keep me from midnight snacking. Tsuk's side of the room was closest to the kitchen. I decided me and Tsuk would get food for everyone because everyone was (minus me and Tsuk because Tsuk lives in Italy and I've pulled to many all-nighters) tired from the flight. Tsuk and I went out to get food for everyone.

Tsuk had his own car (he drove from Naples, Italy to Berlin, Germany which was an 18 hour and 13 minute drive, but he slept in the car due to having an Auto-Pilot Tesla that I bought him for his birthday). We talked on the way to get everyone food. Will wanted a Snack Salad Classic with a SINGULAR curly fry from Mcdonald's. Xiao wanted the same as Will. Jax wanted the same as Will. Tsuk wanted my homemade Margherita Pizza, so I went to the grocery store to get the ingredients and I also got us both some Italian and Asian snacks.

Hallo, mein Name ist Luca! You don't know what that means..?? Dang..well, it means 'Hello, my name is Luca!' in german. You may be wondering why I've put the story on pause, am I right?? No? Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway. I just want to give you a heads up, the next part of the story is about to begin and it has to do with mentions of violence, and well..scary terms and stuff. If you do not like the mentions of any kind of violence and scary terms, I suggest you stop reading.

The next day everyone woke up, got ready and headed downstairs to meet up for breakfast. "How did you all sleep?" I asked everyone in a happy mood. I got different replies, some being 'Oh, I slept well!' 'Eh..wasn't to bad'. The one that surprised me most was 'I brought my gun by the way.' That came from Will. "Will!! I told you not to bring that gun!!" I said. "Eh..it's fine, it's not like I'm gonna shoot Tsuk or anyone." Will said, having an annoyed look on his face. I looked over to Tsuk, as I sighed, shaking my head. *This wasn't going to be easy* I thought to myself. We all finished our breakfast and headed into Tsuk's Car. We were going to a haunted hospital. It was called Beelitz-Heilstätten. This had been on my wish list for years and I was finally able to go! "I heard there was a Vengeful ghost named Jay! I brought some paranormal equipment. They are an EMF reader, a Spirit Box, a Rem Pod, and a Music box. An EMF reader's job is to efficiently measure the electromagnetic field radiating from an item or within a specific area. A Spirit Box or a Ghost Box's job is to pick up any verbal contact from the ghosts or spirits. A Rem Pod's job is to detect movement of a spirit or a ghost. A Music Box's job is like a rem pod, but it plays music." I told everyone. "Luca..we aren't going to talk to the spirit..right?" Xiao said. "Of course we are Xiao! That's the fun part of paranormal activities,"I said to Xiao. "Right Jax?" I ask him.

Jax is a Gemini, not the rude gemini, but a very kind gemini. Jax is like a father figure to me. Mainly because of my past but also because he cares for me, is older than me, and is really overprotective when it comes to Tsuk.

"Luca, we aren't talking about the Jay that stalked you years ago.. right?" Tsuk said. "OH! Yes, I am! Sadly, her death was slow and painful. I feel bad for her!" I said. "Why didn't you tell me Lu-" Jax said, getting interrupted by Will. "Uh..may I ask about this whole stalking thing..?" Will said. "Ah, Jax, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Also, it's not nice to interrupt people, Will!" I said "So..are we going to go in or..?" Xiao said, scared of ghosts and paranormal activity. "Yes, we are! Thanks for bringing that up, Xiao!" I said, being very excited.

When we got inside, we got a tour around the place. As soon as the tourist left, the lights started flickering. I set up the paranormal equipment. "Luca..which is th-" Tsuk asked, before getting interrupted by the REM Pod going off. "The most active spirit?" I asked calmly. "Yes.." Tsuk said. "Um...I believe Jay?" I said, turning my head around to Tsuk, questioning my answer. "How about you asked, or are you a scaredy cat?" Will said. "Will, that's not nice!!" I said as I was very angry. "Sor- WHAT WAS THAT?!" Will said, screaming. "What was what?" I asked calmly about the situation. "The shadow...Luca..we need to leave!" Tsuk said out loud. "But why..? It's perfectly fi-" I said, getting interrupted by Tsuk pulling me. "LUCA, WE NEED TO LEAVE!" Tsuk said, knowing something was off. "Can I at least get my gho-" I said, getting interrupted by Jax. "Luca, I will get it, you're the youngest here, your safety is our number 1 priority.." Jax said, being very overprotective. "OK, BE CAREFUL JAX!!" I said, hoping Jax would be ok. "Luca..he will be fine..trust me" Tsuk said, assuring me with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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