11- lull

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“Begin at the beginning,” the King said, very gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
Rainbow Watcher AU

"Sabre? What in the Admins' name are you doing now?"

Lucas's voice rang quietly throughout the silent house.

The horseman himself couldn't sleep. Images of dying players haunting his mind. The most recent was a male by the name of 'Wilbur' who had died from being stabbed. He didn't say who but the Horseman directed Wilbur to Lady Death -which wasn't in his 'job' description anyways, he could of left the soul to wander but unlike his brothers, he could be kind.

The not-player who was slouched against a table he had put by and due to its shape also infront of the window. But it wasn't far enough in front to change the colours stained glass produced and shone to the floor when light glowed outside.

"Horseman, what is a definition of 'lull?'"

The question appeared out of nowhere for the Horseman.

"Uhhmm... give me a sec.

A gap of time that is not filled with acuity, making it quiet and-"

"Wrong definition."

Sabre interrupted, eyes not leaving the floor  -where some light was shining through the stained glass window to Sabre's right. The light was coming from a lamppost that Sabre had put up around the Rainbow city two, three days ago.

"The definition I was thinking of was to send someone to sleep or to calm them. Typically, through soothing movements or sounds."

That did not explain anything to the immortal horseman. Instead, it served to confuse him further.

The watcher understood this deeply, as he could watch the thoughts running through his friends head. The watcher also understood this because it was what another had done to him, before he was a watcher if his memories were correct -which whilst they are all jumbled about due to the Watchers, he could still understand the rough timeline he had patched out.

"You look so confused, Lucas."

A halo of eyes were misplaced over Sabre's head, and whilst the majority were shut -mimicing the only physical pair on the watchers form- a few at the back were open and looking at Lucas in amusement.

"Yes, I am Sabre."

"I'm trying to sleep but these,"

The not-player looked down at the other not-player -the watcher- from the staircase the watcher had made a couple hours if not then  a couple long minutes after the house was built. The watcher gestured to the countless eyes on the halo and then adjusted his hair to reveal some of the wings that would appear on his head should he transform now.

" are too annoying to deal with, so I'm lulling myself to sleep. By doing so, I'm also going to, hopefully at least, lull these 'extra's's to a form of sleep as well."

The horseman shook his head. Making sure no stray hairs fell, he walked down the steps towards his tired companion.

"I'll just have to carry you to bed then."

Like that, the watcher had been lifted up by his arms and rotated, so his face was nearly hitting the ground.

"Wha-? Why?-"

He attempted to struggle, but the Horseman was stringer than the tired watcher -who he knew had missed weeks of sleep prior to now.

"Because sleeping like this will give you worse posture, Sabre."

Up the stairs they went. Lucas having to keep lifing Sabre up at every singular step, causing Sabre to panic, then calm, panic, then calm.

This cycle continued until they reached Sabres room where Lucas gathered the watcher into his arms before ungracious dumping him onto his bed.

The sounds of rain were heard in the room now. It having started earlier in their conversation and was now audible in Sabre's reinforced room -everyone's rooms had been reinforced when Nightmare attacked.

Lucas left the room, but before he did so, a floating purple eye stopped him. He turned to his friend.

"Night Lucas, Lady deaths subordinate, fighter of the rainbow city, one of the Horsemen, the second guardian of the revival books, king of limbo, horse in all but reality, machinist and friend if Xelqua."

"Night Sabre, Watcher and being, ex-admin, leader of the first watcher revolution, near entity, door thief, fourth no wait- third guardian of the gateways, pesky bird, resistance leader and friend of the Horseman."

Laughter burst out at the nearly full collection of titles both had accumulated over time. They eventually said goodnight, and Lucas left to his own room to fall into a peaceful slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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