24 | pre-battle bonfire

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Valeria was perched on Sam's lap, who hadn't let her go since shifting back from his wolf form

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Valeria was perched on Sam's lap, who hadn't let her go since shifting back from his wolf form. They, along with Jacob and the other vampires, were gathered in the living room, everyone on edge as Eleazar explained how things had changed — explained that the Volturi were gathering witnesses as well.

"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime," Eleazar explained to everyone.

"So he's done this before?" Bella questioned.

"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern," Eleazar added.

"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant," Carlisle told them all.

"This person always has an ability. And they're always given a place with the guard."

"How can he just get away with that?" Valeria asked with a deep frown. They just destroyed covens and broke apart families.

Edward shook his head. "This is all about Alice and Valeria. He has no one like them, especially now that Irina has informed them of her true gift."

"Which is why Alice left," Bella claimed.

"But why didn't she take Val?" Rosalie asked, looking at the younger vampire that she was already worried about.

"I'm not sure," Edward murmured, sharing a look with Sam.

"They won't touch her," the Alpha said, tightening his hold around Valeria, who leaned against his chest, seeking out comfort. She didn't want to be taken from her family.

"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett then asked. The guard was strong enough to take a coven out.

Surprisingly, Alastair was the one to speak, breaking his streak of silence. "To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven."

Amun shook his head and began to head to the door. "Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving."

"And where will you go?" Edward asked before he could leave. "What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Valeria? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina or Kate or anyone else with a gift? Anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family. But also for yours. And for the way you want to live."

Jacob shared a look with Sam before standing. "The packs will fight," Jacob said, rolling his eyes. "We've never been afraid of vampires."

Every member of the Denali coven then stood. "We will fight."

"This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule," Garrett said.

"We'll join you," Benjamin offered.

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