New friends.

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Next day at school.

Yunjin and Wonyoung weren't there today, So you figured you would be lonely.

Not until the new boy Jungwon started talking to you,
So y/n what's your favorite movie?
Or your favorite show?

He kept asking you questions all throughout class,
To be honest you thought he was really funny and kinda cute.

He reminded you of a cat with his pretty features. He kept making you laugh all through class, To the point where the teacher almost made you guys move from eachother,

When lunch came, He asked if he could sit with you.
Which of course you said yes.
Then Sunoo came up to you both before you could leave.
Y/n. I will be sitting with you guys,

Oh hey Sunoo, that's okay..
I don't mind! Well let's go then..

Oh wait y/n! Jungwon says
Can Jake sit with us Jungwon asks,
Oh yeah of course! I'm always down for more friends.

So when you all get to lunch you try to sit by Jungwon but Sunoo makes sure you sit next to him instead.
Oh sorry, I didn't know you were trying to sit there y/n. Sunoo says with a smirk,

Oh no it's okay.. Anyways would you guys wanna catch a movie together on Saturday? I've been kinda bored lately.

That's actually a good idea.
Jake says

Oh yeah of course y/n! You seem to always have the best ideas.
Jungwon says while smiling at you
Which made you blush and giggle a little,

Sunoo just said "mm ok"
While looking away with a mean look.

-what's his issue with me?-
You think in your head.

Okay cool..
well let's go back to class now then,
Once again Jungwon made you laugh a bunch again in class,
Sunoo didn't like that.
So he tapped your shoulder,
Y/n. Please keep it down,I can't focus on class.

Oh I'm sorry Sunoo.. you say while looking a little disappointed in how rude he's been towards you lately.

Sunoo pov:

I dont wanna be mean to you y/n .
But you keep talking to other boys,
When you should only be talking to me.
-He thinks in his head.

You POV:

Class is finally done so you get your stuff together and try to leave class before you feel someone grab your shoulder, Kim Sunoo.

Y/n.. please can we talk really quick?.
He asks while looking at you with sorry eyes.


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