2) A Red-Headed Stranger

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"Ouch! Sorry man, I didn't see you there!" A boy with bright red hair and brown eyes filled with joy says after just previously running into me. I give him a nod of acknowledgement and I'm on my way, no use worrying about someone I won't see again.

"Strange," I think to myself. "He looked and sounded so happy, yet something was off with that boy, I wonder what it was." Shaking the thought from my mind, I lie down on the cold cement in this dark alley and drift off to sleep.

"Ah!" The stranger shouts, startling me awake from my previous light slumber. In the dark, I can faintly see a boy with red hair and a tipped over trashcan. He must be quite the clumsy one, having run into several things today already. "I'm.. Sorry." Is all he says. "What for?" I ask calmly, the boy doesn't seem to be much of a threat. "Well, I woke you up didn't I? I was just, y'know, passing through-" "A dark alleyway in the middle of the night?" I question. "Well... yes, technically." Is all he says in return. I sigh, standing up from my previous sitting position. "What's your name, boy?" I ask, now quite curious about this interesting, red-headed stranger. "Kazuya," He states. "My name is Kazuya."

"So.." I trail on, interrupting Kazuya who had been talking for a while. "Kazuya, what exactly were you doing in that alley?" It was morning now, and the thought hadn't left my mind. "Uh- I was just passing time I guess, and well, because.. I kind of saw you and I recognized you, but then I saw you were asleep-" I let him talk, both because I want an explanation and because I'm not really sure what to say anyways. If he talks, who am I to shut him up, though he does explain everything in excruciating detail, I zone out through most of it.

With only having known him for less than a day, I've decided that Kazuya is not a threat and likely doesn't have any ulterior motives. My reasons being; One, he is too clumsy and would give himself away if he was anything but a normal person. Two, though he can get quite defensive at times, he isn't an aggressive person, he probably couldn't even hurt a fly. And finally, the third and final reason, is that he's easy to read, and I think he's hiding something, but not the kind of dangerous something that could get me killed. So for now, I'll trust him, but as usual, I'll be leaving this place soon anyway.

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