Chapter 2

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Blue scatters across the sky, the sun shining brightly, giving warmth to the surroundings. Sitting on the swing set, you are at the same spot again doing your favourite pastime. Watching the kids around you happily play around the neighborhood.

You had just finished writing in your notebook and now, you just want to take a break, maybe bask in the sun for a bit before having to go back inside your house. You were watching the kids run around playing tag, also taking note of the others playing tea party or play make believe.

How happy they all seem, being ignorant and blissful to the world, oh how you wish you were like that once more, only worrying about whether or not they can make it to watch their favourite show or if they'd get to eat their favourite candy.

At least, that's how it should be.

As you were sitting on the swing still observing the others play. You scanned the surroundings when you noticed someone walking towards you, it took a few moments but when they got closer, you finally recognized his familiar face.

"Good afternoon Chad!"

"Hey. I thought I'd find you here." Chad says, taking up the spot to the other swing next to you. Huh, it's not even the end of the day and here you are talking to someone so soon. Guess you and Chad had different plans in mind.

"What brings you here?" Usually you'd find him talking with his friends or with the other kids playing around. Not standing by like a wallflower. That's your thing.

"I just finished my violin lessons and thought I'd clear my head from all that Strauss." Chad sighs, probably out of exhaustion from reading all those notes. Chad then added "I hope you don't mind if I sit here."

"No, take a break, you deserve it." With all the extracurricular activities and co-curricular activities he needs to do to be part of the high honor society, he's bound to get exhausted. That's just part of being an honor student. There was so much more to it.

"So, what do you usually do here? Besides swinging around." Chad asks, playing with the chains of the swing and twiddling it between his fingers.

You just shrugged "Nothing much, I mostly just enjoy the sun." you explained, slowly swinging back and forth. Words that paint a story of isolation and loneliness were left unsaid as you kept it locked in the deep depths of your mind.

Chad then brings a question in "No plans on playing?"

You were wondering when he'd ask that.

"Nope! Still not interested in it." And out of habit, you began swinging faster.

A pause.

Then Chad spoke up "If you don't mind me asking, why do you not want to play?"

Again, you shrugged "Sometimes I don't feel like it. I'm sorry, I can't really give you an explanation or at least one that people can be satisfied with."

Juniper Gatsby, Laura Bellwood, Maya Diaz. The list of people who asked you the same question and you have given answers still goes on. No matter what answers you give, the results are just the same. The same perplexed look followed by the label of weirdo being placed on your head.

"We'll, maybe I might understand?"

There was no competition or contemplation when Chad asked that question, had it not been for the last encounters, you would have answered him eagerly, but you learned your lesson already and you're not about to make the same mistake twice let alone four times. "You don't wanna know, besides it's kind of a mess to talk about."

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