Chapter 34~heart ache and sadness

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Uh oh...

Evelynn's POV:
Me and N heard a scream it sounded like Lily's.

"LILY!!" N yelled running out of the bed room
"N wait!!"

I quickly got out of bed as fast as possible to follow after him but when I got there everyone was gone...
N fell on his knees crying.

N's POV:
My little girl... She's gone... No no no this is just a bad dream... Right?

"Hon?" Evelynn said with horror in her voice

I felt her hug me and I lost it. I couldn't contain myself anymore I cried. She was really gone. I can't lose Evelynn. Me and her have to find Lily... I can't lose them I can't.
Evelynn let go of me and went to make me some coffee while I stared out the door. Why would the infected just break a door down to get us... Why us? Maybe Evelynn was right this is Cyn and she wants to ruin our lives because we left. Or is she mad because Evelynn's back? Cyn never liked Evelynn because i always hung out with her. Cyn got jealous and thats how Evelynn died. It because Cyn lost control...
Why would Cyn hurt a child though. I gotta go get my little girl I can't just stay here.

Evelynn's POV:
I came back with N's coffee to talk with him on a plan when hes gone.

~cups fall and break~

"N... N hey..."

I yelled hoping N would hear me and he's just playing a prank on me. N never answer me back. He really left during a virus that infects you to kill...

~some time later~

I put together a little baggy full of oil and stuff I need to survive. Maybe N hasn't gone far. I can go with him so he doesn't get himself killed.
I left the house and went down the road staying in the dark. I hid my halo and the light so I didn't get cought. These worker drones that are infected have the absolute solver symbols on there screens. It's yellow too. Cyn has the control on this. I know it. Who else would use it for bad?
I seen Uzi she looks horrifying. I stopped and looked for about an hour and half before I continued on my way. I need to find N and Lily. Who knows what this virus could do to Murder drone let alone an Angle Drone. I got inside of an abandoned building and settled down. I got myself situated upside down. N showed me how to rap my tail around something and hang upside down to sleep when it's to dangerous to sleep on the ground.
I'm glad N started teaching me the ways of being a Murder Drone again. I can start to live my correct life only it's difficult now. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep eventually I did.

~the following morning~

I woke up to a loud bang. I fell on my head when I heard it. I picked up my stuff and ran to wear the sound came from. It was pretty far away but theres fire and buildings falling down... That place is gonna be swarmed with infected.
Unless the infected did that then maybe not. I won't go near that place until I think it's safe. I kept moving and came across a Worker Drone place. It isn't Uzi's but it looks horrible. I walked in with my weapons ready who knows what's in here and wants to fight...
I walked around and seen nothing but a few bodies. I went to leave when i heard a young boy.


I turned around quickly and seen a little worker boy. I scanned him and he wasn't infected. He broke his leg so he's crawling. How on earth did he make it through the attack here?! I came closer to him and got on my knees. And held out my hands for him.
He looked at me. I'm guess to see if I'm a threat or not. He slowly came to me and I picked him up.

"What's your name little guy?"
"That's a nice name! I'm Evelynn!"
"Thats a pretty name miss Evelynn."
"Thank you although you dont have to call me miss!"

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