Chapter 297- 298

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  Chapter 297 Time flies 7

  In the stalemate, when the two looked at each other, there was nothing else in their eyes except each other.

  Just as the flowing light moved away from where the two were, they instantly went from the bright light to the dim light.

  One of them was confident, but the other secretly thought that Nizi was really going to go to heaven.

  This resulted in the confrontation being extra long.

  Before the two of them could tell the winner, who would bow his head first, a heartbreaking sound came from far and near.

  "Keep someone under your command——!"

  Feng Wenzhou rushed over quickly, pulled Xie Fu's hand away from Tang Shaoqian, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

  Putting down most of his worries, he looked at Xie Fu's seemingly provocative smile, and then at Tang Shaoqian's face that always had a gentle smile. At this time, there was no smile at all, and his voice was a little dry.

  "Um... If you have something to say, it's wrong to hit people and fight. We must be good young people, keep in mind the core values ​​of socialism, and reject violence!"

  He thought that the two people had a disagreement and were about to fight. After all, Xie Fu, who had always ignored Tang Shaoqian, actually put his hand on Tang Shaoqian. This was obviously a move! Is it possible that you are still hugging and caressing?

  Su Huizhou also ran back panting, looked at the situation in front of him, and stumbled along: "Calm down... Calm down... I, I bought some ice cream, come here, one for each one, to reduce the fire, reduce the fire... ..."

  Feng Wenzhou ignored Su Huizhou's hand and stuffed the ice cream in Xie Fu and Tang Shaoqian's hands, "Come together! Celebrate the first time we hang out in our dormitory, cheers!"

  After that, he forced the four people's ice cream cups to clink together, symbolizing the harmonious friendship of this four-person bed.

  Xie Fu lowered his head and glanced at the ice cream, knowing that this must be the one that Tang Shaoqian had mentioned was delicious.

  Then he opened it and took a bite.

  The cold taste spread in the mouth, but it did not dissipate the warmth in the heart. Instead, it was like a drop of oil, dousing the fire in the heart even more.

  "It tastes great, thank you."

  After he said it tasted good, Tang Shaoqian followed suit and started eating, his eyes raised slightly, and his expressionless face put on a faint smile again.

  Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Feng Wenzhou breathed a long sigh of relief.

  Fortunately, okay, it was stopped.

  God knows, he was almost frightened just now, thinking that if these two people fought in the street, he must not get involved. After all, he could help pay the fine and get them out.

  I don't know how many times I have sighed in my heart, how come two handsome guys are so good at each other and looking for trouble with each other all day long.

  At that time, where can't we play in a game bar? He can also find a girlfriend to fall in love with. With such a good condition, he feels it is a pity not to have a few more relationships.

  It's a pity that the emperor is not as anxious as the eunuchs. They don't care how much love they can have. On the contrary, it is an outsider like him who pities them.

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