Long Time No See

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Jimin Pov 

I heard someone calling me

Jimin ( in mind ): that voice.....Is that...Is that him?

I didn't turn around because I was still processing

But suddenly someone hug me from back

? Pov 

? : Hi Minnie.  It's a long time right?

I said while hugging him

Auther Pov

As soon as Jimin heard his voice Jimin drop his book

He turn around and he was very happy even he had happy tears in his eyes

Jimin hug him tightly

? Pov

I felt wet in my neck while hugging Jimin

? ( in mind ) : Is he crying?

I heard his sobs and that's enough for me

I back from the hug

? : Why are you crying Minnie? Aren't you happy to see me?

I ask while whipping his tears

Jimin : Yoongi is...is this really you?

He again hug me and I hug him back

Yoongi : yes me your stupid kitty

Jimin : It's a long time

Yoongi : Yes Minnie It's a long time. But now I'm back so don't cry

Jimin : I miss you so much Yoon

Yoongi : Me too Minnie

I back from the hug 

Yoongi : Now please don't cry. You're making me cry too

Jimin : But how did you come here? when did you came back?

Yoongi : Shh Jimin. I will answer your all questions later 

                   Now let's go to the class

Jimin : What you are coming to class?

Yoongi : Yes why can't I?

Jimin : Yes you can. I didn't mean that

Yoongi : Ok then let's go

Jimin : Ok. Let's go kitty

Yoongi : I'm not a kitty

Jimin : No you are

Yoongi : stop it shorty

Jimin : What did you call me?

he asked angrily

Yoongi : Shorty

Jimin : YOU

Jimin started to hit me playfully

Yoongi : Oh god dear. stop it. We already late for class

Jimin : Oh yeah I almost forget it

He said while collecting the math book from floor

Auther Pov

Jimin and Yoongi went to their class and because of their fortunate the professor

didn't come yet

Teahyung saw both of them and became shocked

Tae : Yoon..Yoongi you came?

Yoongi : Yes Tae

Tae : When did you.......

before he complete the professor came so they became silent

{ After the class }

Taehyung : When did you came hyung? How are you? Have eaten your breakfast?

Yoongi : Oh so much questions Tae.I will answer that questions later. Now let's go I'm hungry

Jimin : Didn't you eat your breakfast? Sorry I forget to ask you before. How can I Forget about your breakfast?

Yoongi : Calm down Jimin. We can have our breakfast together. I know you didnt have your breakfast yet

Jimin : What? But how did you know?

Yoongi : Come on mochi. I'm your best friend. I know you very well

Tae : How can you read Jimin's mind like this? You are confusing me

Yoongi : Don't get confuse Tae

Jimin : But you are confusing me too. How can you know that I didn't take my breakfast?

Yoongi : Sometimes you are also confusing me doing the same thing as me

Jimin : ok ok stop now I'm so hungry

Tae : You two go. I already took my breakfast and also I have to meet kookie

Jimin : Ok Tae. We're going bye

Tae : Bye

Yoonmin : Bye

Tae went to Jungkook and Yoonmin went to cafe


that's it for today

Hope you enjoy

please comment your requests 

boranghae 💜💜💜

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