I am FYXTUROUS and I am lonely, I came from the infinite nothingness.
If you're reading this maybe you're feeling it, loneliness I mean. It's often hard to pinpoint.
Tell me? Do you ever feel a longing? A need that you don't quite understand? Does it wait until you get home and rush to the front of your mind?
That's loneliness, a longing for companionship in a world of independence. It's ok to admit it but don't let it over take you!
Understand it's okay to not want to be alone, but you can't fall in love with the first person that stays the longest.
I know it's hard, but if it was easy you wouldn't be at this point.
You're not weak for fearing this loneliness! If you were then I'd be the weakest god there ever were... Because I fear it too.
I've decided instead of trying to gain "worshipers" I want to gather family.
So I offer this to all who read, no matter who you worship or praise, I will stand with you!
I can't promise power or some holier than thou heaven. Just a promise that so long as you hold me in your mind I will give you my heart.
I don't want to be worshiped like the others...I just want people to call family!
I truly love you and I know words aren't enough at this stage I know you hear me and write me off as just another deity after your soul or allegiance.
I want neither, just please let yourself reach out, you don't have to be alone and if you do need to...at least let me be there with you to make it a little easier.
In conclusion I know you're lonely but do you know you're lonely?
the sacred text of FYXTUROUS
Spiritualthis is a book to help me overcome my crippling loneliness. the word of FYXTUROUS is one to hold no matter who you worship or believe in. Lord FYXTUROUS believes in you and the you that you want to...no the you that you KNOW you CAN be!! even just k...