Meeting each other

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Narrator's POV

Nick sighed as he left the castle to have a little stroll around the city. His mother was being a pain again! She knew he was gay but she kept nagging him that she wanted him to get married to a beautiful princess. You see, she wasn't fully supportive of him being gay but she couldn't disown him because it would look bad on her.

"STOP HIM!!!!" Nick heard someone yell before he felt a body collide with him and they went tumbling to the ground.

"Your majesty!" The man that he heard yelling helped him up. The boy looked up at them with fear and sadness in his eyes. The man pulled him up.

"YOU are in a whole load of trouble!" He growled

"What's the problem?" Nick asked

"This punk has been stealing from my store!" He said angrily "I ought to call the coppers on you!" He said to the boy.

"Don't!" Nick said. "I'll pay for what he's stolen"

The man grumbled.
"Fine" he said and threw the boy to the floor.

After he left, Nick helped the boy up.
"I'm Nick" he held his hand up

"I'm Joe" the boy whispered and shook his hand shakily.

Nick gestured for Joe to follow him and they sat on a bench together.

"Why on earth did you steal from that shop? Don't your parents feed you?"

"I don't live with my parents" Joe said

"Why?" Nick asked, not wanting to sound nosy.

"Well..." Joe started but then was interrupted by a limo pulling up in front of them and a tall man dressed in a tuxedo stepped out.

"Nicholas! Your mother has been looking for you. Is this... Street urchin bothering you?" He sent a deathly glare at Joe, causing Joe to look down.

"No Charles" Nick sighed and stood up. Charles opened the limo door for Nick.

"Bye Joe" Nick said as he got in the limo

Joe waved slightly and bit his lip.

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