How Disrespectful.

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No One's POV:

Rin felt how Isagi hugged him, and it was then that he became surprised and he was actually taken aback by her kindness.

Rin: "Huh? But why are you being nice to me now? After what I did to you?"

Rin then became confused, but Isagi can see from his look that he was a little touched by his forgiveness.

Isagi: "Your surprised now Mr. Sadistic Itoshi how disrespectful... Im disappointed.."

Rin looked surprised after Isagi said that, and he was confused since he expected Isagi to despise him even more.

Although Rin was touched by Isagi's forgiveness, Isagi could see Rin looking at him with his cold, cruel, heartless look as Isagi's hug is a little uncomfortable for him since Rin isn't good with showing his emotions, especially to the one he humiliated and hurt the most.

Rin: "What do you want from me?"

Rin said in a cold and annoyed voice as he was still looking at Isagi sternly and menacingly with tinge of the look of annoyance.

Isagi: "Hah... You thought I will forgive you that easily after all you've done to me, Rin you are dull, y'know that?"

Isagi stopped hugging Rin, he then wrap his hands around Rin's neck, Isagi's expression turning from a forgiving one, to a more angry, sinister, harsh one, including the tone of his voice.

When Isagi wrapped his hands around Rin's neck,  he noticed Rin getting a little scared and his eyes were starting to water up for some reason...

Rin: "Why are you trying to choke me!?"

Rin said in a sobbing, scared voice, trying to sound dominant and not losing his strong facade.

Rin: "Let go of me right now!"

Rin then screamed as he tried to fight back, trying to get Isagi to unwrap his arms around Rin's neck, for fearing Isagi might choke him.

Isagi: Im not! Of course not! im not gonna choke you, neither hurt you im just making sure you're near enough, to hear my words.

Rin looks up at you as he realizes that Isagi   just wanted Rin to hear his words.

Rin: "Huh? But you have my attention now, what do you want to say?.."

Rin says in a sobbing, scared tone as his eyes remain teary and frightened..

Isagi: Don't cry Rin, its better if im the one crying.

Isagi wipes the tears appearing in Rin's eyes quietly and gently stroking his hair.

Isagi: "Its kind of hard reaching your face since your tall Rin, so im just trying to stand on my toes."

Rin then wiped the tears on his eyes, as Isagi is also wiping Rin's tears away too.

Rin: "You're not the only who deserves to cry here..."

Rin said this in a more soft tone, but Isagi  still sees that he is trying to fight back and not cry since this is something Rin isn't used to or comfortable with.

Isagi: "Don't forget, your buddies are still here, watching."

Rin looks back at his other "friends" who are watching the scene between him and Isagi unfold.

Rin: "Oh... ..."

Rin looks back at Isagi with the same cold look in his eyes again, and Isagi could see that he is now mad at him again. He seemed to be in a very aggressive mood now, and Isagi can see that he is no longer crying..

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