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Daisy checked the time on her watch. Fifteen more minutes before the bell rang signalling the first period. Hyunjin was unusually late that morning. He always had trouble being on time but ever since they started working on this project he had begun showing up earlier just to hash stuff out with her.

Daisy waited, sitting on the school steps, her knees pushed into her chest. There was the early morning bustle around her. Students were talking animatedly with each other, shouting and laughing with their friends. She watched a couple of girls from her class, standing together in a group and chatting. She knew they were talking about her because every now and then one of them would look in her direction and giggle.

Daisy was tempted to show them the finger when she saw Hyunjin walk through the main gate. He was dressed in school uniform complete with a gray blazer. Walking beside him was Minho. Although he was also dressed in uniform, there was a stark difference between the two. Unlike Hyunjin who looked sharp with his shirt tucked in and his tie properly knotted, Minho's shirt hung outside his pants, his tie loose around his neck.

Sometimes Daisy wondered if Minho really didn't give a shit or if all this was just an elaborate wall he built around himself. He knew no one at the school would say anything if he wasn't dressed according to school protocol. His father was one of the biggest businessmen in the country and regularly made donations to the school. If Minho wanted he could show up in a fucking ball gown and no one would bat an eye.

She watched the two of them walk towards her. Mi-Kyong, the girl who had been gossiping about her, almost broke her neck trying to look at Hyunjin. Hyunjin, for his part, either didn't see her or pretended not to.

"Sorry I am late," Hyunjin said, stopping before her. "I found Minho at the gate and was just filling him up about the shooting schedule for today."

Minho glanced at her, a lazy smile on his face. "I was just assuring our Hyunjinnie that he doesn't have to worry about me. I have promised to help with this project and I am nothing if not the man of my word."

Daisy rolled her eyes. She could tell Hyunjin was confused about Minho agreeing to help them out but he also knew he was the best option they had right now. Daisy got up, dusting her skirt, she pulled out the script from her bag and shoved it in Minho's direction.

"You should have a copy," she explained at his confused expression. "If you have any doubt or don't understand something, just ask me."

Minho took the pages. "You wrote this, right?"

Daisy just nodded. She swore if Minho made fun of her work she would push him down the stairs. Instead, all he replied was, "Hyunjin can tell me the scenes he wants to practice today so that I can memorize my lines."

Hyunjin nodded and the two of them bid farewell. Minho's eyes slid to Daisy for a moment so short she thought she had imagined it. And then he was gone, his figure vanishing down the corridor.


Daisy hated how much Minho fit in the role of Mun Baek-Hyeon (the main male lead of the short film). There was something in the way he just embodied the exact emotions with which Daisy had created his character that almost made her appreciate Minho.

They weren't even shooting right now. Hyunjin wanted to do a screen test, especially after what happened with Dong-Min. They were at the school field again waiting for Eun-Hee and the rest of the team to show up so they could shoot the first scene.

"Chances of Minho staying long enough to actually finish this movie?" Bang Chan spoke from behind her. He was carrying the mic in one hand, his bag in the other.

On Track (Minho fanfic) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now