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"I think we have about two weeks worth of filming left and then we'll be done," Hyunjin said. Minho was sitting beside him, watching the scene on the camera. "Then I have to make the edits and send it over to Felix for special effects."

They were sitting in one of the empty classrooms after the school hours. Hyunjin had his camera connected to his laptop and was exporting something. Minho had decided to stay after hours because for the last one week he had been blowing off all of Hyunjin's dinner invites.

Minho had used all kinds of explanation ranging from he wasn't feeling well to he had to study for the exams. The latter had drawn out an amused snicker from Hyunjin who, at first, had thought that Minho was joking. But Minho wasn't joking, he was lying. The reason he couldn't have dinner with Hyunjin was because for the past week he and Hae-Won had been having dinner together every night.

He didn't even know how this had happened. One minute he was persuing the books in Hae-Won's bookstore and the next moment she was asking if he wanted to have dinner with her. She didn't want to go back to an empty house. One dinner had turned into two and the next thing he knew it had been a whole week.

Hyunjin knew something was up with Minho but so far he hadn't pushed. Minho was glad. He had no answer. No explanation other than the fact that he had begun enjoying Hae-Won's company. She was the first thought on her mind when he woke up and the one he went to sleep with. He didn't know what it meant. He just knew that he wanted to see her and when he didn't the day didn't feel real to him.

"And then you submit it," Minho commented, hoping Hyunjin couldn't see on his face that he was thinking about his best friend.

Hyunjin exhaled heavily. "And then I submit it."

Minho wanted to tell Hyunjin that he thought his friend had done a phenomenal job. That working on the short film had been the best experience of his life. He opened his mouth to say this but instead what came out was, "So when are you telling Eun-Hee you like her?"

Hyunjin whipped his head in Minho's direction. "What?"

He shrugged. Minho wasn't Hae-Won. She wanted Hyunjin to come to her himself. Minho didn't like waiting.
"You should tell her, man. What's the worse that can happen?"

Hyunjin covered his face with his hands and groaned loudly. "She can say no. That's the worse that can happen. And how did you figure it out?"

Minho shook his head and clapped his friend on the back. "You aren't very good at hiding your emotions. Everytime Eun-Hee even looks in your direction you positively melt." He was about to say that Hae-Won had said the same but stopped himself. He could not mention her name, not when she hadn't approached Hyunjin herself.

"This is not good." Hyunjin's voice sounded muffled behind his hands. "This was not supposed to happen."

"Was not supposed to happen?" Minho echoed back. "I don't think liking someone is something you can control. Look for what it's worth, I don't think Eun-Hee enjoys talking to anyone more than you. She's always approaching you for conversations. So at least I don't think she hates you."

Hyunjin leaned back in his chair and ran his fingers through his hair. "She invited me to her place last week, you know. To look at some of the photos she took. She's not half bad."

Minho turned to look at his friend, grinning. "She invited you to her place. Dude, that's amazing. Look I know you're scared and I understand that. I don't think you've ever liked a girl as much as Eun-Hee but sometimes you've to just take the leap. Risk the jump."

Hyunjin narrowed his eyes. "Didn't know you were such a romantic but it makes sense given everything."

It was Minho's turn to narrow his eyes. "I am not a romantic and given what?"

On Track (Minho fanfic) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now