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(A/n pov)

It's been two days when Vaibhavi is staying with them. In this time Rehaan wants to clear the things with Arohi but Vaibhavi always interrupt them. Arohi was already trying to ignore Rehaan but that seen in their bedroom made it little easy for her. She was very hurt by that, that it has become hard for her to even make an eye contact with him. In this much mess Arohi already forgot that she wants to ask Vaibhavi about their past. On the other hand, no one knows what Vaibhavi exactly want and why did she returned. Is this only coincidence that Vaibhavi's father get contract with Rehaan or is it not. No one knows.

(Arohi's pov)

It's evening time and I am sitting on the couch in living room with Vaibhavi watching TV. It's been very long time but still it feels like she is very close to me. We both were very engrossed in the tv when a ring of the phone disturb our momento. Smile automatically come on my face after seeing the name on the screen. It's Swara. I picked up the call.
" Hey Swara!! How are you? You know I missed you so much. Why didn't you call me. Huh!! Did you forget me that easily?!!." I speak as fast as I can cause I missed her. After coming here we barely talk. And after long time she called me so I can't control my emotions and burst out on her.
" Calm down, calm down Arohi. First breath. And how can I forget you. Huh. You are my baby." she say sweetly. Altho I am 6 months older than her. Still she treat me like a little one. I don't have any siblings so she is the one whom I can depend.

"You are so bad Swaru, you never called me. You get the job doesn't mean you will forget everyone and everything." I become little emotional. I want to tell her everything about that day but Vaibhavi is sitting beside me continuously looking at me. But I don't care at that moment about her.

" Okay now leave it. You know, I have very important news for you. "she knowing that I am getting emotional so she changed the topic.
" What news? " I knitted my brows in confusion.
" No I can't tell you on phone. We will meet then I will tell you. " she say making me more curious.
" Atleast tell me if it's good news or bad news." I spoke out of curiosity.
"I will tell you when we will meet only. Okay." she said. I know this girl is very irritating. She always tell everything in suspense only.
"Okay okay. As you say." I rolled my eyes.
"Okay Arohi now bye. I will send you the place and time. Bye take care." she said hanging up the call.
This girl will never let me live in peace. Now I really want to know what news she have. I was thinking about Swara totally forgot about Vaibhavi who is sitting beside me.
" Who was there? " I got stalted with the sudden voice. I move my head towards the source of sound. It's Vaibhavi. How can I forget that she is also with me. My poor mind.
"Ohh, it's Swara." her eyebrows joined. Maybe she didn't remember her as it's been long. And as they were also not in the same college.
" My best friend. Swara." I tell her as she was confused. She make o mouth remembering her.
"So what did she say?" she asked.
"Nothing special. Just want to meet as it's been long." I didn't tell her about the news she was talking about as its not important for her I thought.
"Ohh, so when are you going?" she again asked.
"Maybe in evening" I replied. She nodded her head she again concentrate on tv.
I moved towards my room as I was not in mood to watch tv. Now my whole mind occupied by the suspense Swara create in my mind.

I dressed up and get ready to go to meet Swara. I moved towards mom room as I thought to tell her before going out.
"Mom" I knocked on the door and go inside the room. She was sitting on the bed reading book. As I moved closer she looked up and smiled. Putting her book aside she gesture me to sit.
" Arohi, come sit." I smiled and sit beside her when she noticed my dress and asked.
"Are you going somewhere child?".
"Yes mom, actually Swara called me. She wants to meet me. Can I go?" I asked when she smacked my head softly.
"Ofcourse stupid. You can go. Why are you asking me? It's not like you can't do anything without asking me. Kiddo don't need to ask me anything. Okay." she softly creases my hair melting me in her motherhood love.
" Love you mom." I became little emotional.
" Okay okay now don't be emotional and go. She must be waiting for you. " I smiled and get up to leave and reached till door only when I stopped hearing mom coughing badly. I quickly go towards her and rub her back and give her a glass of water.
"Mom, are you alright?" but she didn't reply anything just coughing making me tensed.
In few seconds she stopped and drank a whole glass of water.
"Mom...." I was about to say something when she speak
"Don't worry Aaru it's just I eat ice-cream yesterday night  so I caught the cold. Nothing else." she explained me making me signed in relief.
"Thank god. Mom you take my breath away. You should be careful mom. Season is changing. It's getting colder day by day. " I said making her lay down and cover with blanket.
"Ohh hoo Aaru I am not sick. It's just little cold. And go, you are getting late. Swara must be waiting for you child." she again sat on the bed and take the book in her hand.
" Are you sure mom you are okay. Otherwise I will stay." I was about to sit but she again said making me stop.
" No need dear. Just go and enjoy. I am all okay. " After a long lecture I left the house to meet Swara.
To be continued........

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