Jimin's day

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Hey guys sorry for being late I'm not able to manage my time nowadays 🙃 please excuse me
So now let's dive back into our story

In parking area

Jk and yn is waiting for Tae and jimin to come

Yn:oppa what happen to your cheeks it's soo red did anyone hit you?
Jk:yes kiddo appa punished me
Yn:huh? appa?(confused)
Jk:oh yes appa joined our school as a new teacher
Jk:yes you heard it right
Jk:don't worry he will not teach your class poor me
Yn:(sigh in relief)
Jk:see appa came
Yn ran to him and hugged him
Yn:appa I'm soo happy that you joined our school
Tae kissed her head
Jk:yah yah you'll be happy only but me (sarcastically)
Jimin smaked his head playfully
Tae:ok ok come let's go home

They reached home

Jk immediately ran to his mother

Note:yn and jk call Clara as amma or ma

Clara was in kitchen making snacks for everyone Jk came and back hugged her

Jk:ma why didn't you tell me that appa is joining as a teacher
Clara:your appa told me not to tell you baby
Jk angrily pouted
Jk:you know your husband punished me on his first day itself
Clara:huh did he punish my baby come let's go and ask him(playful anger)

Jk dragged her to the hall where everybody was sitting

Jk:ask him(whisper)
Clara:Tae why did you punish my bunny huh (staring)
Tae:oh so sir is complaining to you hmm
Clara:yes so what
Tae:see he failed in his test so I punished him what's wrong in that
Clara:what!!!you punished him just because he failed
Tae:are you serious he failed and your encouraging him huh
Clara:see his mark is not going to judge his life this is the age where he should have fun
Tae:stop it you are the one who's spoiling him(stern)
Jimin:ok guys enough of your fighting go and freshup everyone

After few minutes everyone came Clara served them their snacks
Jk was using his mobile and others were talking about their day,Tae noticed it and said
Tae:jk keep your mobile aside(soft)
Jk:two minutes
Hearing Tae's stern voice he kept his mobile immediately

Now Tae is teaching jk and yn and jimin is talking to Clara

Jimin:noona I-I  wanna t-tell you something (nervous)
Clara:yess chimmy common spit it out(soft)
Jimin:I'm in love with...
Jimin:(shock)how do you know
Clara:because I'm your noona
Jimin:d-does h-hyung know
Clara:of course he's the one who told me
Jimin:really!why didn't you guys ask me then
Clara:because we wanted you to tell us by yourself

With Tae, Jk and yn

Tae:jk learn Ln.6 I'll keep a test now and yn give me your rough note I'll give some sums do that
Yn:huh r-rough note
Tae:yes give
Yn hesitantly gave her rough note and when tae opened it a paper fell down Tae took it and saw flames for Jimin and Joanna

Note:for those who don't know what is flames is it's a love game where you find pairs

Tae:what is this huh?(angry)
Jk was silently laughing and also worried at the same time
Hit on Jk's shoulder
Tae:you young man stop laughing and learn(stern)
Jk:ahh yes appa
Tae:answer(shout)(to yn)

Hearing Tae's shouting Clara and jimin rushed to them

Clara:what happened why are you shouting Tae (worried)
Tae:look what your daughter has done (shows her the paper)
Clara started laughing and jimin was embarrassed
Tae:why are you laughing (angry)
Clara:sorry sorry(controlling)
Tae:and you where did you learn these things (stern)
Yn:my f-friends taught me
Tae:but why did you do it for jimin and Joanna (stern)
Yn:I saw him talking to J-Joanna unnie so to clear my d-doubt I did f-flames(stuttering)
Tae:I'll give you one tight slap keep your mischievous things in school not at home but hereafter not even in school understood (stern)
Yn:y-yes a-appa
Tae:good now do your hw
Clara:Tae come here we wanna talk with you
Tae:hmm coming
Clara and jimin left
Tae:listen carefully you both until I tell you to stop learning you shouldn't stop understood?(stern)
Yn/jk:ok appa
Tae left to Jimin's room

Jimin:noona why don't you talk to hyung (nervous)
Clara:you know nah your hyung will expect you to talk in your personal things(calm)
Tae:what I'll expect(suspicious)
Clara:huh Tae come and sit jimin wants to say something
Tae:come on baby spit it out(calm)
Jimin:hyung I'm in love with Joanna(nervous)
Tae:we know it say something which we don't know(calm)
Tae chuckles
Tae:ok ok we'll talk to Joanna's parents so that you can talk to her freely (teasingly)
Like this the day went smoothly in Kim house

To be continued..............

Information: guys my exams are gonna start and also I'm not able to manage my time so I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you but keep supporting me

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