A Darry Halloween Oneshot

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It was the 31st of October, also called Halloween. The day Harry hated the most. The day, his parents were killed by Voldemort.

While everyone in Hogwarts had their fun, Harry was sitting in the room of Requierement alone.

He would have loved it if Ron or Hermione stayed here with him but they wanted to have fun and Harry could understand that.

They wanted to go Trick or Treating with Neville, Ginny, Luna, Seamus and Dean so he was left alone.

He never enjoyed celebrating Halloween. It just reminded him of his parents, how they died just for him.

He couldn't hold back his tears anymore. It just hurted so much they were gone, he never got enough time with them, the time they had was to short and only because of Voldemort.

Just last year, Harry saw him in the ministry of magic. He always wondered when he would come in this year. "Maybe exact this day? Maybe this day Was the last one he had?" He didn't know but he was scared.

"This will be the end of me", he thought "today I am going to die like my parents did"


Draco Malfoy and his friends Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini were just chilling in their common room. The Slytherins made a big Party every year on Halloween to celebrate Voldemort killing James and Lily Potter.

Draco always found that really rude.
They were literally celebrating that the parents of the boy he had a crush on since third year were killed.

,,Draco, man, you good? You're looking pretty annoyed.", Blaise asked him.
"Yeah right? Is everything okay Dray?", Pansy said.
"Please don't call me Dray, Pansy okay? And yeah I'm fine why shouldn't I be?", he answered coldly.

"Damn I'm sorry Mister Malfoy, I won't do it again.", Pansy rolled her eyes.
"Well good then. I'm going out of the castle to get some fresh air okay? Don't follow me guys, I want to go alone.", he replied.

" Alright, see you later then man.", Blaise gave Draco a high five before he went out of the Slytherin common room.

While he was going out of the castle, he saw Granger, Lovegood, Longbottom, and the two Weaselbees Ron and Ginny. But wait where was Harry? Sorry of course Draco meant Pottah.

He wasn't with them but why? The trio was always together and where were the 5 even going?

Well actually why should he care? He doesn't care about them anyway. Well maybe he cares for Har-Pottah  but only a little bit, just a little.

When he told Pansy and Blaise he wanted to get some fresh air, he lied.
He actually went to the room of Requierement, so he could plan the whole thing with the death eaters. He told his parents he already did everything but well he didn't. Not only one single thing. He hated it. He hated being forced to be a death eater even though he never wanted to be one. Not if they want to kill his crush.

Arrived at the corridor, he wished for just the normal room of Requierement.

"Wait someone is crying! Shit I'm not alone. Should I just leave? Yes I should. No wait, that would make me feel bad though. But I'm not good at comforting people and I don't even know who the person might be. A Gryffindor maybe or I don't know. Damn- I'll just look and tell them to get out of the room. Yes, that's what I'm going to do"

He was close to the person crying now.
Then he realised something. "That's Har-Pottah! Why is he crying? And what is he doing alone here? Should I just tell him to leave? No I can't be that mean to my crush while he is crying. I'll just ask him what's wrong? Wait but maybe-, no I completely do that."

"Pottah, what are you doing here ? And why are you crying? Stop it!", he said calmly,  not showing any sight of annoyment like usually. 

"Malofy?", Harry looked up to the boy standing right infront of him. " I- I didn't know you would come here. I'm sorry, I'll leave."

He wanted to stand up but Draco  made a gesture that he could sit there still. 

" You don't have to leave Pottah and why are you crying ?"

"Why do you care?", Harry sniffed. 

"Because I always cared for you Pottah, I always did!", Draco admitted.

"You what?", Harry was suprised. 

"You heard right. And now please tell me why you are crying Harry because it hurts seeing you like this!" 

"Well it's because of my parents. They died the exact day 15 years ago.", he told Draco.

"Of course. How could I be so stupid and forget that.  I literally thought about it only a few minutes ago.", Draco thought. 

"I'm so sorry for that Harry, really"

"It's not your fault, isn't it?", Harry said crying. 

Draco felt a tear drop on his cheek. He, Draco  Lucius Malfoy, was showing emotions. Shit. 

" It kinda feels like my fault too now though. I'm so sorry Harry, I never wanted this. They forced me to. I tried everything to make it go away. It never worked. ", Now Draco was really crying. 

"Draco, what are you talking about?", Harry asked still crying but really confused. 

" I mean this!". Draco showed Harry his death eater mark.

" A death eater mark?!", Harry was shocked. 

"I'm so freaking sorry Harry,  I really never wanted this.   I never wanted to be in a group that wants to kill you! MY HEART WOULDN'T HANDLE YOU BEING DEAD !", he screamed-cried.

"What? But you hate me!"


"You love me? You do? I love you too Draco. Since third year."

" Can I kiss you Harry ?" 

" Yeah!"

The kiss was sweet and gently. It was perfect. This was what both of them always wanted. But they knew it was pointless. Especially now.

" You have to know that I'll still love you even with your death eater mark! But...", Harry said.

" I know Harry, I know. We can't be together. Even if we both want it. We were never meant to be.  We can't be together as long as Voldemort is still there. As long as being  on the dark side, like I am, even if I don't want to, our relationship is impossible."

"Yeah. Sadly. I love you Draco. I will always!", Harry said crying. 

"I'll love you forever Harry! And I'm sorry."

"We'll act like enemys again, right?" 

" Yeah, that would be the best."

"Goodbye Draco!", Harry said and left the room of Requirement, crying.

"Goodbye, my love..."

If y'all want an happy ending to this oneshot, I Could make a second oneshot like on Christmas that continues this one. Stay safe y'all!

A Drarry Halloween oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now