Chapter 1

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Bailey's POV

Ugh, I hate work. I groan as I put on the Chuck E Cheese suit. Why on Earth would any kid want to hug some random teenager in a giant mouse costume?! I start walking around and hugging a bunch of little kids. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE little kids but usually the spoiled brat kids come here so it puts a damper on my mood.

I hear the TV screens sing the goodbye song as the place clears out. I start sweeping the floor so my boss won't get angry because of the mess behind the counter. After about 15 minutes I hear the Ding a ling of the bells over the doors. I look up and see 5 guys walking toward me. They all looked to be in their late teens, early twenties. Really? You decide to come to a kids place, at 11:15 at night? Are you dead serious right now? I sigh and walk over to them. "What are you guys doing here?"

Something seems familiar about these five boys... One has curly brown hair and green eye, there's a brown hair blue eye one who has a smirk on his face.... There's a black headed boy with brown eyes and a brown hair one with brown eyes who has this look like he's the most responsible... And then I look lastly at the boy with a blonde quiff and blue eyes. Hmmm... Not bad, I must say. They're all pretty hot. "We wanna play games!" says the boy with the smirk.

"Um... If you haven't noticed, I'm kinda closing the place up..." I say not wanting to be too rude.

"Awww, pleeeeease?" the same boy pleads.

I see all of them except for the responsible looking one put on puppy dog faces. "I'm sorry about them, they're not very mature for their age. I'm Liam by the way." says the responsible one.

Huh, I just noticed both the boys who've talked had British accents... Maybe they're all British?

"Hi Liam. Uh... I don't really know if you guys could stay because I mean I have to close up and everything..." I trail off.

Liam sighs. "Boys, you heard... The mouse."

I raise my eyebrow in confusion then realize that I still have the suit on. I quickly take off the head letting my dirty blonde straightened hair flow out and unzip the suit. "Ah, sorry about that, I forgot I was still in that cursed suit."

I saw all of their jaws drop. "Uh, what's wrong?" I ask.

Curly is the first to recover and says, "Uh, nothing." in a deep British voice.

"Ooookay. Well before I decide anything, can you please tell me your names? 'Cause inside my head I keep referring to you as the boy with the smirk, blondie, curly, quiffy and Liam..." I prompt.

"Hah, sorry 'bout that, love. I'm Harry." says curly.

"Louis. Spelled L-o-u-i-s but pronounced Lewee." says the boy with a smirk.

Louis' a bit sassy I see. "Zayn." says quiffy.

Blondie looks into my eyes and says, "I'm Niall."

Whoa there, we got some intense staring going on, by me and him. He has a Irish accent, unlike the others. I wonder how he knows them. "So now that you know our names.." Liam starts.

"Could you pretty PLEEEEEASE let us play here?!" Louis begs.

I sigh again. "Oh, all right. One condition."

"Yeah?" Harry asks.

I grin, "You better make this the funnest night of my life."

"Yippie! Hear that Haz? I might kick your butt at racing yet!" Louis shouts.

I see Niall staring at the buffet. Eh, what the heck, "Niall, you want me to open the buffet?"

He smiles and says, "Yes please."

I run over to the control panel and turn everything back on. I open the buffet and Niall rushes over to it. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!" Niall gushes as he starts stuffing his face with food.

Geez that boy can eat. "Um... Ma'am?" I hear Liam prompt.


"Didn't catch your name..."

I blush, "Sorry. Name's Bailey."

"Well Bailey, ready to have the funnest night of your life?" Louis asks really loudly.

I laugh and repeat, "YES I AM READY." in a loud voice just to mock him. Louis sticks out his tongue and runs off.

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