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I do not own Kick Buttowski Suburban Daredevil!
The characters belong to Sandro Corsaro.


It's the last lesson of the workday before the weekend officially starts. With only 14 minutes remaining, Kick looked up from his desk to see the time.

But for some reason, the classroom clock was ticking away at an agonizingly slow pace and with an unbelievable loudness.

Kick cast a dull glance around the classroom and scowled. The pupils' apathetic gaze was fixed on their monotonous teacher; a few even appeared as though they were ready to nod off. Groaning, he reclined in his chair, wishing that this day would end soon so he could go and perform the amazing and daring stunts he had been dying to perform all day.

Kick noticed Gunther, the boy with the blonde hair, by turning his head to the back.

who appears to be occupied with scribbling on his notes while resting on the palm of his hand.

Kick grinned a little before turning to face the front.
Traditional Gunther, most likely scribbling again regarding food.

Then he looked over his shoulder and saw his enemy. The blonde headed girl who despised him for all her existence. - Kendall Perkins.

Her head is hidden from my view. Her shoulders were adorned with her blond hair. To tell the truth, it looked—well—perfect. I would not confess that to anyone, though.
Her emerald eyes were presumably fixed on the lesson, and she dutifully took notes and cooperated like the model student that she is.

I attempted to search elsewhere, but for some reason, I am unable to do so. It seems as though she had me completely enthralled, cursing the fact that all I can do is stare at her and observe. As strange and unsettling as it may sound, that is how I am feeling right now.

Occasionally, when I am not preoccupied with a stunt or having a disagreement with Brad, my thoughts would wander to her. At times, I even wondered how and what it would be like to speak with her. in a courteous manner. without any argumentation or backbiting from us. At other times, I would have imagined the two of us flirting, the way some teenage lovers do. In addition, I have wondered what it would be like to simply embrace and kiss her, to feel her close to me.

It was wrong for me to think these thoughts, which is why I detested them. I was destined to be Kendall's enemy from birth. Kendall is the enemy. My adversary, my foe. Water and fire do not combine, do they? That kind of thing is not what I should be picturing us doing.

I firmly believe that the adage "opposites attract" is accurate, but I wish it weren't.

I am already fully aware of my emotions. When the time comes, I might tell Kendall. But for the time being, I will just hold it inside and carry on our normal argument with her.

My straying thoughts were abruptly interrupted when the bell rang. Gunther and I hurriedly left the school after talking about a stunt I wanted to pull off this weekend.

This should help me forget about her.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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