Chapter 6

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Not much later that night

"Alright, it looks just about done!" Viva exclaimed.

"Ughh-😩" The four older BroZone brothers groaned and collapsed on top of each other in exhaustion.

After the fire was put out of what was once the stage, Viva spent the last little bit helping John Dory, Floyd, Bruce, and Clay rebuild it with what was salvaged, not fully, but enough for them to continue the holiday concert.

While they were doing that, Poppy was away from the group talking to the Pop Village fire chief, who had come with his team to contain the flames that were once coming from the stage.

"What do you guys think? Are you gonna continue the show?" Viva asked.

As much as they hated doing this, they looked over at John Dory for guidance.

"..." John Dory just stared at his younger brothers, confused on why they're just looking at his squareness.

"What do we do John?" Floyd asked.

"Hate to do this, but we don't know what to do..." Bruce added.

"Don't get used to it-" Clay said.

John Dory turned around to look at the rebuilt stage, and then turned back to face his younger brothers.

After a second of silence, he finally said:


"LETS BROOO!!" Clay jumped and wrapped an arm around Bruce while the other bros cheered in excitement.

"Branch! Branch! C'mon, we're doing the show again!" Bruce called out to his youngest brother.

He didn't get a response.

"...Branch?" He tried again.


Bruce looked around his surroundings. Branch was nowhere in his line of sight.

"Hey, um, have any of you seen Branch since the explosion?" Bruce asked, getting a little worried.

Floyd, Clay, Viva, and John Dory all looked around their surroundings and didn't see him before at each other with puzzled looks and shaking their heads at Bruce.

"Great, Branch is missing. Just FANTASTIC!! There goes our show," John Dory sarcastically exclaimed.

"Dude, will you stop caring about the show and being perfect FOR ONCE?! We have more important things to deal with right now!" Clay snapped at his square-shaped brother.

"I NEVERRR said it was about the show-" John Dory snapped back.

"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU JUST STOP! We're not gonna get any closer to finding Branch with the two of you arguing!" Bruce said, getting in between Clay and JD.

"Where's Poppy? She might know where he is," Floyd asked.

"Over there. I'll ask her," Viva said, pointing to her younger sister and running in that direction.

Poppy had just finished talking to the fire chief, as he was walking away, when Viva suddenly approached her.


"GAH!" Poppy flinched, suddenly seeing Viva running towards her at full speed.

"Have you seen Branch?"

"What? No, I thought he was with you guys," Poppy said, confused.

Viva put her hands on her knees to slow her breathing, which was not getting better after she was told that Branch was nowhere to be seen.

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