Chapter 4: The Beginning

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I walked into the bar with my fake smile, looking for Teddy. I kept walking and suddenly someone shouted at me. "Jack!" I looked and saw Teddy waving at me and also playing pool with some guys I had never met.

"Hey man! How was your day?" He ask me with a big smile on his face and I still with my fake smile.

"Pretty good but I'm very tired right now" I answered his question.

"Of what? It's your birthday plus Friday, and we're gonna party hard."

I wasn't in the mood for 'partying hard' but what the hell can I do? Teddy put his arm around me and led me to the bar to have some shots. It was full of people...the drunk ones.

"Here!" Teddy called the bartender and ask for 4 shots of tequila. This isn't gonna end good. The bartender came with ours shots and Teddy handed me over one and said

"To start the night, here...some tequila!"

"Do I really have to?"

"22 years old and haven't changed. Do yourself a favor, please! But before we drink, I want to make a toast." I was surprised with Teddy. 'What does he want to say? ' I thought. I nodded with my head. He made a big sigh and began talking.

"Jack, your my best friend, more like a brother; Today, I want you to be happy, have a great time. If you're happy, I'm happy but I hope, most in the world, that one you can share that happiness with someone special, and obviously that's gonna be me." He laughed and continue "Happy Birthday, Jack and never change. So are we gonna drink or not? Come on, in Spanish!"

"In Spanish what?" I ask confused on what he meant.

"The shot song. I'll say it.






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We drank it. It taste awful. When it's come to 'party hard' the shot song always comes around. I remember one time, in college, we sneaked out of our apartment and went to this crazy party on a girl's house. I promised myself since that day, 'I will never get drunk again with Teddy'. Teddy was well (sorry for my words) fucked up. But I broke that promise today; I'm getting drunk again with Teddy. Now that I think about it, I haven't told Teddy about my dream, not even my girl. Of course I want to tell Teddy about the dream sounds stupid from a guy; specially from a guy. I put myself together and went for it.

"So Teddy, can I tell you something?" I ask still little nervous about it.

"Sure dude! Anything!" He answered.

"Ok so here the thing; I dreamed about a girl last night and in the dream we were in the middle of nowhere, there weren't people around us, and we were about to kiss..."

"Ok, wow. You didn't kiss her; dude why? You know I'm disappointed with you."

"Teddy, I'm serious. You see, that's not all. This morning on my way to work, someone collided with me, and that 'someone' was her."

"Her who?"

"The girl from my dreams." Teddy face went to disappointment to 'what the hell'. Telling Teddy my dream, my girl, the same feeling I had in the morning came again but with another involved...

Something is about to happen

You will see...wait

Teddy, still with that 'what the hell', said "So the girl does exist?"

"Yes and I hope one day I can find her again." I'm daydreaming, what am I saying?

"And when that happens, you my friend are gonna ask her out!" He told looking me serious but in a funny way.

What? can't...but...what?

"Well, not at the moment."

"Oh come on Jack! If I dream of a girl and in the next day I meet her by accident, I would get on my knees and say to her 'You were the one I was waiting for all my life; I met you on my dreams and no life has brought us together' and then ask her out. That simple!" Saying those words, he started acting like he was a prince. 23 years old and haven't changed a little! In the corner of my eyes, I saw two girls watching at us, with some weird faces. Teddy noticed them too an said to them

"What? Don't you like a guy with so much romance inside him? huh?"

The girls freaked out and went to the pool fast like they were scared or something; Teddy isn't a monster for them to walk fast but I don't know. The girls today see men differently but it's part of life...evolve. Teddy started laughing and I enjoyed him; the best moments of my life I have them with this guy. He call the bartender again to ask him for more drinks but I didn't give much attention to that. I quickly raised my head and stare at the front door...

No way

You will see...wait

I went blank. I couldn't hear anything because of the 'shock' I had. I opened my mouth and murmured that even I could hear myself...

"It's her."

...together. It's fate.

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