There's a first time for everything

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Hi! I'm Mo,

I used to write fanfiction a couple years ago (miss you Brittany and Santana) and since watching Bottoms I've been obsessed with Josie and Isabel.

So here is a fluffy Josie/Isabel one shot set immediately after the film ends. Includes spoilers for the film. Enjoy!

There's a first time for everything

I, Josie, little old me have done the impossible. I lied about going to juvey, started a fight club, broke my best friend's nose, kissed a cheerleader, saved Jeff's life, probably (definitely) killed Huntinton's quarterback and now I am standing here, covered in blood, with the girl of my dreams in my arms. Isabel said I didn't need to do any of that to date her but honestly, if this is the result of my actions, I wouldn't a change a thing.

"Josie?" Isabel giggled, pulling me out of my flashback and back into the moment.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked, shaking the confused look off my face. Jesus she's beautiful.

"I said we should probably move" she answered. We looked around at the Huntington player's bodies scattered across the field.

I scratched my head and shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah. Do you want to come back to my house?" I asked, not daring to look into those green eyes to avoid rejection. "My mom's not home till late tonight."

She placed one of her hands each side of my face, lifting it to look into those pools of green. "Yeah I'd like that." She said daintily. I breathed a sigh of relief.

She slipped her hand into mine and we walked back towards the bleachers. I nodded to Tim as he thanked me again for saving Jeff's life. I swear those two are even gayer than I am. We continued walking and joined the fight club's celebratory group hug.

"We killed it out there girls!" Stella-Rebecca cheered.

"We killed those boys and my step dad is next." Sylvie shouted passionately. An awkward silence fell over the group. I heard Isabel laugh softly in my ear. I swear that laugh is what angels sound like, it makes my heart thump in my chest and my stomach stir with butterflies.

"Well... ummm..." I broke the silence, "we're gonna... you know..." I said awkwardly pointing over my shoulder to signal we're leaving.

"See you on Monday" Annie said.

"Have a good weekend" Hazel said with a smile. I smiled proudly back at the club.

"I'm going to grab my stuff, I'll meet you in the parking lot?" Isabel asked me softly.

"Yep" I replied with a smile and a quick peck on the lips. I still cannot believe I get to kiss Isabel. The Isabel. Isabel the cheerleader. I must have some seriously good karma to have had this happen to me. I watched her walk towards to the locker room with Brittany, their little cheerleader skirts swishing with each step. I said a little prayer to thank whoever invented cheerleader uniforms.

I grabbed my backpack and started to walk away.

"Josie." I heard PJ call me over.

"What?" I asked with a smirk on my face. I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about.

"What?" She said, imitating me. "You know exactly what! You got Isabel back and Hazel kissed me, ON THE MOUTH!" she exclaimed.

"We don't have time to talk now" I replied excitingly, clutching her shoulders. "I'm spending the evening with Isabel. And you," I glanced over PJ's shoulder to find Hazel waiting for her, "shouldn't keep Hazel waiting". She turned around and smiled at Hazel.

"Fine." PJ said, feigning annoyance but with a glint of playfulness in her eyes. "Milkshakes tomorrow to debrief today?"

"You know it. 3pm at the diner. Our usual table." I reassured her. I turned towards the parking lot and felt her slap my ass.

"GO GET YOUR GIRL" she shouted after me as I walked away. I laughed and shook my head at my stupid, amazing best friend.

In the parking lot I find Isabel waiting by my car, holding her duffle bag. I unlock the car and we climb in. It feels so right to see her in the passenger seat of my car. I smile and she smiles back, those green eyes glowing in the darkness that surrounds us.

I connect my phone to the bluetooth, open spotify and face the difficult decision of what music to play. I scroll past Phoebe Bridgers (too sad), Girl in red (too obviously gay) and Hozier (too male) before landing on Clairo. I hit play, put my phone down and start to drive.

"I love this song!" Isabel announced. I felt my shoulders relax, knowing I made the right decision.

"Me too." I smiled at her.

The drive back to mine was silent. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable one. We've had a long day. She holds her arm out the window, letting the cool breeze dance along her hand. She softly hums along to the music.

I pull up on the driveway and switch off the engine. I open the car door and walk around the car to open Isabel's door too.

"You treat me like a lady." She laughed. I will never get sick of hearing that laugh.

I pretended to tip my hat like I did that night at the fair. She understood the reference and laughed once more. I pumped my fist in the air in celebration while she got her bag out the trunk and her back was turned.

I locked the car and unlocked my front door. Since she's been here before, she didn't hesitate to take off her shoes and head upstairs. I followed after her.

She sat on the edge of my bed and I took in the sight before me.

"Umm Isabel,"

"Yeah?" she replied, looking up at me through her eyebrows.

"You're covered in blood." I reminded her. We looked at the state of each other and burst into laughter.

I grabbed a face cloth and wiped my face clean. Since I'd been running with Jeff, I'd managed to avoid most of the blood. Isabel however had it all over her uniform.

"Here" I said, passing her another cloth. She cleaned her face in the mirror while I found her a change of clothes.

I held up a hoodie, knowing she's always wanted to try one on. Her face broke out in a nervous smile. She took the hoodie and the shorts from my hands and went to the bathroom to change.

I ran round my room hiding all my embarrassing stuff again. That shiny gold jacket, my childhood stuffed animals and a terrible photo of me and PJ from the eighth grade. Isabel stood in the doorway looking adorable in my hoodie. I stared a little longer than I should have to really make sure the view would stick in my memory. She blushed.

She crawled into my bed and I lay down next to her, awkwardly, hands by my side. She pulls my arm up and over her head so she can lay her head on my chest. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

"It's comfy." She said warmly, referring to my hoodie. "That's two firsts I've had today."

"Your first time wearing a hoodie" I understood. "What's the other first you had today?"

"My first time killing someone." She said earnestly.

I pulled her even closer, kissed her forehead, and we laughed at the bizarre day we both had.

Thanks for reading! Please favourite and comment and message me if you want to talk about the story.

Let me know if you want any more Bottoms stories. The characters are so fun to write.

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