Chapter 1

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Giyuu Tomioka

Someone that many find easy to dislike because of the personality he projects to the watchful eye, someone who's arrogant and rude, but that couldn't be anymore farther from the truth. Suffering with Survivors guilt and social anxiety is hell for Giyuu and to him the best way to cope is to simply isolate and seclude himself but letting out a silent cry for help that the general population wouldn't pick up on in the slightest.

Arrogant and Rude he's heard these words being said and spread about him from people he's helped on missions or even from hashira's he thought he was close with

"The way he ignores me is quite rude at times"

"I Agree! Though we aren't ones to assume and judge!"

"No wonder he doesn't have any friends, ignoring people is quite rude."

"He's like a decorative object"

Though on the outside he doesn't show how these statements bother him, but inside they pierce his heart like someone is taking thousands of red hot needles and stabbing them through his heart making it throb. He often walks back to his estate to shut himself in and be alone while he spends that time in the floor crying and having to physically restrain himself from furiously scratching up his bare arms or reaching for a sharp blade of some kind.

He wishes he had someone there to hold him, hug him, kiss his head, gently rub circles into his back to calm him down...just like Sabito always did when Giyuu had these exact fits, if it wasn't Sabito doing it it would be Urokodaki. But living alone with no one there to comfort you eats away at your self-esteem and your already deteriorating mental state often leading one to question.

"Why am I even here?"
"Am I worthy enough for someone's love?"
"Do I even deserve comfort?"
"Am I worth someone wasting their breath on?"

But his cries tend to not go unheard by a certain sound hashira.

Tengen Uzui
Loud and extremely extroverted, obsessed with anything flashy and flamboyant. People either like or dislike him there's no in between.

Some dislike him because of how loud and annoying he can be

While some like him because of his friendly and easygoing personality.

Though what some people fail to notice who aren't aware of his ability, his ability to hear the smallest of noises even at far distances. Whether that be the crunching of leaves, the sound of an animal, the sound of a human, or even the sound of a demon.

But with his hearing it's left him unable to tune out the...not so pleasant noises one can hear.

One more than one occasion when he walks past the water estate back to his own or to patrol he can hear cries coming from the estate, it worries him to say the least.

He knows he's not close to the water pillar but he just can't help but worry about the well-being of his comrade. He wants to go and knock on the door or let himself in to simply see if the man is okay but he doesn't want to intrude.

He's talked to his wives about his worries and they try pushing him to simply check in the other but something is holding back but he can't quite put his finger in what. He hates it

Hates the feeling of not being able to figure something out.

Maybe he could try and talk to the other? No that wouldn't work Tomioka always ends up ignoring him or simply responding with "hmm" or "ok"

"God how am I gonna do this?" He says to himself alone in the living room

"Kaw! Kaw! Message from Ubuyashiki Kagaya!" Tengen's crow calls out landing on the floor by his feet. Tengen gets in his knees to reach the letter tied around the foot of his crow.

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