Chapter 1 - Kirky is REAL and CONCIOUS

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After getting swept away by that truck the insane hospital escapee ???? cpr ,outh to mouth or whatever the KIRK HAMMETT FROM METALICA cutout. All of the sudden the blue fairy whos also a nun from oce upon a time comes over and shes like "lin manuel mirada hjas sentr me because you were so sad and desperate to revive your love". Yaoi Judas, (the mental hospital escapee) was in shock! "can you bring him back to life??" Yaoi Judas asked. "I can do more than just that..." and the blue nun waved her wand and suddenly the KIRK HAMMETT FROM METALICA cutout was no longer a cutout! he was a real boy!!

Kirky came to consiousness (? how the fuck do i spell) and let out a cough (he had been previously pelted with tomatos) . "WHat?? where am i???" he managed to get out. Blue nun went to speak but Yaoi Judas quickly cut her off "KIRK!!! YOURE A REAL MAN!!!!". the confused guitarest didnt know what to do "w-what are you talking about?? ive always been real??". suddednly Yaoi Judas thought back to all of their previous dated (flash back)

THem at the movies... Them watching the REAL kirk hammett live... them at the cemetary... them listening to trent reznor beautiful voice... sudeenly it all made sense!

"I've always been concious..." Kirk started "I just never had a way to comunicate with you..." Yaoi Judas started tearing up. "kirky...." was all he could get out befotr bursting into tears. The two embraced while the blue fairy mother nun stood in the background. "I should prnabably go.... Lin is waiting for me..." and she grew her wings again and flew off. "ILL NEVER FORGET" yelled Yaoi Judas. This all happened on September 11th btw.

Yaoi Judas pulls away and says to Kirk "now that you are the conlass.... i can finally turn you! we can be vampires together!!! life forever!" before kirk can even respond rumpelstiltskin mr gold ouat core shows up. "aye is that the conlass dearie??" says mr gold while he points to kirk. suddenky Yaoi Judas remembered he had been married to rumpelstiltskin for over 400 years! "ah! rumpel! w-what are you doing here?? i thought you were in france...". Yaoi Judas didsnt know what to do! Rumpel didnt know that Yaoi Judas was spending time with KIRK HAMMETT FROM METALICA... "you see dearie... i WAS in france with thomas jefferson (college au) but... after being away for so long.. i missed you dearie"

Kirk was shocked! How long had Yaoi been with this.... this.... OLD ASS MAN?!?! "Who... WHo is this Yaoi Judas?" kirk stuttered. "I- Erm" Yaoi got out before Rumpel said "I'm his HUBAND." and he flashed his ring. Kirk gasped! "Yaoi... is this true?" Yaoi Judas hung his head and admited "yes... i am married..." and pulled his wedding ring out of his pocket and put it back on. "Im sorry Kirk... I never wanted it to be like this..." Yaoi Judas said before a young girl came running towards them.

"Belle?!" Said Rumpel, surprised and also probably shocked and also maybe even horrified. "Rumpel!" Belle said as she ran into his arms. "WHAT???" both kirk and Yaoi Judas said at the exact same time. "I- er... dearie now is not the time...." Rumpel said while glancing back towards Yaoi Judas. Just then Yaoi Judas put the pieces together. all those times rumpelstiltskin said he was working late... all those times he canceled last minute... that 50 year trip to france... "HAVE YOU BEEN CHEATING ON ME RUMPEL??" screamed Yaoi Judas. Belle, shocked, asked "who is this Rumpel?" still in his arms. Yaoi Judas broke down sobbing and fell to his knees. Kirk started comforting him while glaring at rumpel and belle. "you should be ashamed of yourselves..." Kirk hissed. Belle, still extremely confused, said "Rumpel... whats going on? should we be here right now??". "No dearie. We should go." mr gold said while he SNEAKILY took off his wedding ring. as rumpel and belle turned to leave rumpel threw his ring at Yaoi Judas and walked off into the night...

kirk hammett x Yaoi Judas (WHOA SLO HAPPENS TO BE A VAMPIRE)Where stories live. Discover now