Chapter 2 - kys :3

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Kirk Hammett found himself waking up. He didnt know where he was or how he got there. The last thing he remembered was being with Yaoi Judas after Rumpelstiltskin walked out on him... Kirky sat there, trying to remember anything that might give him a clue on what was going on. Suddenly he heard something in the distance he turned his head trying to look for the source of the sound but the room he was in was far too dark. He couldnt move either. He was tied to a chair. He sat, unsure of what to do in this situation. "Oh how i wish Yaoi were here with me now..." he thought to himself. Without warning the lights in the room turn on. Theyre very bright but once turned on Kirk can see the room clearly now. The room is quite small and bland. The only thing that stands out apart from himself is the large viewing window near the top of the room. A figure steps into view from the glass and the sound of an intercom turning on can be heard. "Hello, Kirk. You are here for one purpose and one purpose only. To die." with that the intercom turns off and the figure walks away. Kirk starts to panic. He doesnt know who that was or what they meant but he sure as hell doesnt want to die. He may be a 60 year old man but hes not ready to die yet! Suddenly the sound of liquid spilling on the ground fills the room. He looks around to see various holes have opened up in the walls and a clear yellowy liquid pours out. It smells like gasoline. The liquid flows down from the walls and pools on the floor. The individual pools slowly getting bigger and combining until the whole floor is covered. 4 small platforms raise in each corner of the room and they reveal bundles of lit matches burning away. The fire burns brightly and the flames threaten to light the gasoline. Kirk starts to sweat. The heat of the fires mixed with the knowledge hes most likley going to die right now is making him very whatevrr idk. Feeling theres no use in fighting it Kirk decides to let the flames take him.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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kirk hammett x Yaoi Judas (WHOA SLO HAPPENS TO BE A VAMPIRE)Where stories live. Discover now