My Decision

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James POV

That day after school I was so pissed off with everyone. All of my friends are finding their mates. Its not fair. To let off some steam i went to the forest to go for a run. Hopefully no one is there or this wont end very well.

"Where are you off to James?" Well as soon as i talk with my dad about everything.

"Just going to go for a run in the forest dad. Dad how much longer until I find my mate?"

"Son i dont know. you will find her, and when you do you will know." I hate it when he says that it gets so annoying. I just nodded and walked out the house to get to where i want to be.

Once i got to the forest i didnt take long to get out of my clothes and change into my black wolf, my wolf isnt fully black it has some orange, from dads wolf, and some white, from mums wolf. I have known for a while that my mate is a black wolf like me. Yea you’re probably confused about the colors from the parents now. What happens is when I have pups they will inherit my father’s colour and my mate’s mothers colour.

'Are we going to go for a run or stand here all day James?' didn’t even have to answer that I took off in the direction of the closest ending of our territory. I don’t go out of territory I just like running on the edge. It gives me the feeling of being caught or something. I always run alone but dad keeps telling me to take someone with me. Pft yea like that’s going to happen. I’m going to run solo until I find my mate.

I had been running for nearly an hour and still wanted to run, when I came across something on the ground. It had the most wonderful scent on it. It can’t be from someone in our pack because none of them smell like that. My curiosity got the better of me so I picked it up in my jaw and went to change.

When I got home I went and had a shower. Yea walking through a white house covered in dirt, not a good mix. The first time I walked through the house without caring my mum went off at me. It was the funniest thing because dad was standing behind her, imitating her. Just something I don’t get to see a lot. After my shower I grabbed the thing I found at the edge of our territory and showed dad.

"James I have no idea what that is. Where did you find it?" Looks like her is as clueless as I am.

"I found it at the edge of the territory where I like running. For some reason I just couldn’t leave it there. It was as if it was drawing me to it and I needed it." This is getting so confusing. How can a small object make you want it? This isn’t like a toy that you want when you’re little, it was something more.

"Son can I have a look at it please?" He went to grab it but a growl rippled through my chest as he went to grab it. What is happening to me?

"I have a feeling I know what that is James." My mum always comes in at the right moments.

"What? How could you know you haven’t even seen it before?"

"Well, sometimes when someone is desperate to find their mate the will leave something at the edge of every packs territory so their mate can find it. Your mate must really want to find you so she has left something for you to find." I hate it when my mum sounds smart.

"So what you’re saying is that this is like a lead to a crime but for me to find my mate instead?" All I got for a reply was a nod. This is getting more exciting but confusing at the same time.

James' mate POV

Today at school I couldn’t help but think about what my life would be like if my real parents were here. It’s just something will never find out and quite frankly I wish I could know. I have never come across another of my kind that had been put up for adoption because their parents were killed. Normally they would go to someone from the pack. What was different about me?

As soon as school was finished I didn’t go home instead I went to the forest to go for a run. I haven’t gone for a run in so long because Joe had me constantly sleeping around. I love going to the forest it’s like my own little world, I can escape from my horrible life. Today was going to be different though, I wasn’t going to go for a normal run I was going to put things out for my mate to hopefully find. Normally when you mate the girl would join your pack but because I don’t belong to a pack I will join hers.

I placed something out at the edge of all the closest territories. I wish I didn’t have to do this but there is no other way. It took me awhile to figure out what I was going to put out but in the end I decided to rip little bits of my shirt and place them under rocks. I won’t know when my mate finds it unless I do a daily check. My life is so fucked up though I will only be able to check once a week.

When I got back to the hell hole I live in I was confronted by Joe and Jim. They didn’t look to happy either.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE BEEN? I HAD PEOPLE FOR YOU TONIGHT AND YOU COULDNT EVEN COME HOME AFTER SCHOOL LIKE YOU NORMALY DO!" Who could say I wasn’t expecting that? Not me. I just ignored Joe and went up to my room. That was a bad choice. Jim came into my room grabbed me by the hair and threw me at the wall.

"YOU ARE SO DISTRESPECFUL! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY WE PUT UP WITH YOU!" This time he picked me up by the throat and held me against the wall. That was nothing until he punched me in the guts several times. He dropped me onto the ground and then he decided to have his way with me. Yep Jim doesn’t just beats me he also rapes me. He is a self-centred, bastered that no one should care about. He pulled my pants and oxers to my ankles and did the same with his after he secured my hands to my bed head with his belt. He then lined his shaft up and thrusted in hard. He did this several times until he had fulfilled his needs. He then got himself in order undid my hands and slapped my across the head. With his belt.

"If you ever dis respect us again. You will get that a lot worse." He left my room and locked me in. I was sitting on my bed with tears in my eyes.

'You can get through this. Our mate will find your gift soon enough then we can get out of this place for good' She isn’t going to find it soon enough though. I need to get out of here and fast. The only problem is I have nowhere to go.

After a long time of thinking about what I was going to do I packed some clothes into a bag, got all the money I had and jumped out my window. I was going to run away and for good.

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