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It was a rainy afternoon, making y/n think of his older brother 'rain..' he thought to himself as he walked through the halls to the main area of the ministry, going to check out the new summon he was told about, but then he saw him, "rain!" Y/n yelled out, running towards rain.

Y/n had been summoned much earlier than rain had, so seeing rain here had been a nice surprise. "So, you finally got chosen huh?" Y/n teased as he let go of the hug "yeah! Im so glad to be reunited." Rain said as he wiped tears from his eyes. "Theres one more ghoul, but hes checking out his room, he's huge!" Rain ranted, "yeah? Ill have to introduce myself" y/n chuckled as they walked.

Later, after y/n got his older brother to his room, he turned around and started to walk but bumped into someone, "ah im sorry-" y/n started but looked at the ghoul infront of him "holy shit, you are huge!" Y/n gasped and covered his mouth "im so sorry, my name is y/n, im an older member, and you are?" He said as he introduced himself "I'm mountain.." he said quietly, kind of intimidated by y/n's extroverted-ness. Y/n took mountains hand "it's very nice to neet you! I'll be around if you need anything!" Y/n offered before walking away.

Y/n finally introduced himself to every single one of the members, he sighed as he sat down with his food in the dining hall "mind if we join you?" Rain asked, mountain, swiss, sodo, and aether were with him "no not at all!" He said as he scooted over, letting them sit down with him "so, i heard we have rehearsal tomorrow" swiss said as sodo sighed loudly "seriously?? We just got the new members here" sodo said as he ate his food. "Yeah, they were pretty tough on us too, yknow" y/n replied to sodo as he finished his food "well, im off to bed, ill see you guys bright and early tomorrow" y/n said as he walked away after throwing his plate away, sodo and swiss groaned as he said this

Y/n woke up to the sound of very soft knocking on his door "y/n? Rehearsal starts soon" a familiar voice said through the door, y/n got up and opened the door, forgetting he didnt have a shirt on "oh my!-" mountain said as he covered his eyes "you kinda- uh-" mountain stuttered as he pointed at y/n "shit, im sorry, i forgot" y/n said as he grabbed a shirt and put it on. "Rehearsal starts soon.." mountain said, sounding flustered and embarrassed "im coming, I'm coming" he said as he chuckled, grabbing his equipment "c'mon, the rehearsals are this way" y/n said as he walked ahead of mountain, skipping as he put his mask on.

Soon, they got to the rehearsal room, everyone already waiting for them "finally" sodo groaned as he picked up his guitar "cmon lovebirds, we aint got all day" sodo groaned "shut the hell up sodo!" Y/n said as he threw a pick at the back of his head, sodo flipped off y/n as y/n got his guitar out.

Time skip<3

Later when y/n was walking to his room, he felt a little tug on his sleeve, when he turned around he saw mountain standing with his tail wrapped around his leg, looking almost scared "do you think i could sleep in your room for tonight?.." mountain said quietly "of course! Its normal to get nervous on the first day here" y/n said with a smile, his tail swaying back and forth as he led the way to his room. When they got to his room, they realized there was only one bed. "I can sleep on the floor?-" mountain offered "no, it gets cold in my room at night, i dont want our drummer to get sick!" Y/n said as he laughed softly

As they both got into the bed, mountains tail wrapped around y/n's leg, as y/n was gonna say something he soon felt the warmth of mountain against him, his arms wrapping around y/n's torso. Soon after, y/n realized he was asleep, y/n purred and quickly fell asleep with the large ghoul cuddling him

The next morning

Y/n woke up before mountain did, y/n lightly shook mountains arm that was still wrapped around him, mountain slowly opened his eyes, yawning and wiping the Drool off of his face, soon when mountain woke up fully he nearly fell off the bed when he realized he was cuddling y/n "dude! Are you okay?" Y/n asked while laughing "im so sorry i didn-" mountain started before getting cut off "its alright! I honestly enjoyed it, but now, we need to get breakfast before it's gone" y/n said as he got out of the bed, turning his face away from mountain to hide the obvious blush that had formed on his face. They finally arrived at breakfast and got their food and sat down with the rest of the band.

"I heard you two slept together" sodo started, smirking mischievously as he looked mountain and y/n, "WHAT THE HELL" rain said as y/n spit out his orange juice "holy shit dude, he got scared on his first day so we basically just had a sleepover" y/n said, blushing and wiping the remaining orange juice with a napkin off his chin "i know, but i wanted to see their reactions" sodo said as he looked at the rest of the band mates while proudly taking a drink of his drink. "Fuckin asshole" y/n said as he chuckled, obviously a little annoyed "what? You wish you could sleep with him" sodo said and y/n's face grew bright pink and he grabbed sodo's cup with his tail and spilled it all over sodo.

Y/n stormed into the hallway as the rest of them watched him walk away, the only one going after him being rain, rain told the rest of them to stay back from y/n for a little while. As rain knocked on y/n's door, he heard sniffling and loud music, rain turned the nob of the door and entered the room, rain walked over to y/n and sat with him "do you wanna talk about it?" Rain offered before y/n tackled rain into a hug, staying there for a minute. They sat down on the bed, y/n turning his music down to talk to rain, "i just.. I don't know why i did that." Y/n sniffled as rain listened and offered tissues "i think i might like mountain, rain." Y/n started "the way we slept in the same bed last night, the way he cuddled me in my sleep and wrapped his tail around my leg" y/n said before tearing up again "i know i won't have a chance rain." Y/n said as he grabbed a tissue and wiped his tears and blew his nose "i think you do, y/n" rain said as he hugged him.


word count: 1221 words (not including this)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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