Hero's grief,

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"How great." Hero thought as he stared at the ceiling, his eyes distant as he seemed in deep thought. He rolled around, staring at his dark blue clock, the time "03:57 AM" shining red, he looked up, staring at his brother who seemed rock-asleep, kel was a heavy sleeper. In amazement of how kel always manages to fall asleep that fast, he forgets about his own problems so much, a petal Making its way up his throat. A cough, and a struggle for air as he tries to either get it down or up. He feels sick, the petal that newly was stuck in his throat now landing on his bedsheet, covered in slavia. disgusting. "How peculiar." he thought in a sarcastic manner, rolling his eyes slightly as he sits up, taking his distance from the most gorgeous part of the flower, examining it. The itchiness of his throat came back, though, signaling that the rest of the flower wants to be released. in agony, he coughs, trying to hold it on for a bit, only for his little brother to groggily wake up and turn to him.

"Are You okay..? You keep making that noise."

The brown haired boy worried, looking at his older brother. Hero nodded carefully, smiling forcingly as he didn't want to concern kel further. "Im fine, my throat is just..dry." he choked out, the flower threatening to come out. "I just...need water to soothen it." he decides, he kicks the blanket off his legs, covering the slavia-petal with the blanket and making his way out the door, shutting it after him. carefully not to wake anyone else, he steps, the wood creaking once a few times as he walks down the stairs, counting exactly 23 steps... He froze, something was wrong. It didn't feel right.

He clutches his throat in concern, his whimpers noticeable as the feeling of the flower trying to free itself out stops, it now completely being stuck. he pauses a bit, before processing the situation and rushing to the kitchen, nearly missing the right turn, he slides to the right into the kitchen, hastily grabbing a glass out the cupboard, and fills it with cold water, chugging it down and spilling few of it on his shirt. "refreshing..." he sighed out, no longer feeling the sickening itching in his throat. he washed the glass, put it up on the cupboard and left to go to his bedroom quietly, not wanting to worry anyone else. he could hear his dads and kels snoring from here. stepping on the wooden stairs, walking up and counting it, once again, the creaking noise annoying him until he stops at the last stair. 23? but.. another step, 24 stairs.

he stares back, at the staircase, holding the railing. This is wrong. This isn't right.

why were there 24? His brain must be playing tricks on him. this never happened before. In confusion, he stumbled back to his room, opening the door carefully as he heard kels snoring, pointing out that the boy fell asleep. he froze, staring forward, the room felt stretched out, as if it wasn't his own. he could feel his hairs on his neck beginning to stand as he looks shocked, trying to reach out for his bed, which is farther away, or is it? maybe his mind is playing tricks. he lifted his leg and stepped forward, and again, and again, until he touched his beds soft blanket, and collapsed in it, staring at the ceiling.

"What the hell was that?"

he questioned himself, as he rolled around, his waist touching the disgusting slavia spot the petal is under. "Disgusting.." hero thought, but he was to tired to care now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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