05. superpowers

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05. superpowers

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        MILES FELT BAD FOR HER BROTHER as Carmen found out he was learning karate because of how badly he was beaten up when Johnny took him home. Their Mom told Johnny to stay away from Miguel and to never influence him in karate ever again.

The teenage boy finally found something he wanted to do and their Mom forbade him from doing it. Miguel wasn't stubborn like Miles, he silently obeyed their parent. Though, Miles doesn't know about this one. He could think of a way to get back to karate.

The twin girl was the only one who went to school. Carmen advised her brother to rest and not go to school for the day.

Miles met up with Demetri and Eli at lunch. Surprisingly, Aries was sitting with them.

"Hey, how's Miguel?" Eli asked as soon as the girl sat down beside Demetri.

"He'll be fine," the girl muttered, "I guess no more karate for him, though."

"What? Why?" Aries frowned.

"Don't you get it?" Demetri answered instead, "If he didn't know karate, Miguel wouldn't fight back against Kyler."

"Yeah, but it seems unfair," Aries muttered, sighing.

"My Mom will probably come around," she said, shrugging, "She just found out about it in a bad way."

"Lena," Aries called and leaned on the locker beside the girl's, "Are you sure tomorrow?"

"What do you mean?" Miles questioned, not bothering to look at him as she stacked her books inside her locker.

"You said we can go to your place to work on our project," he explained, causing the girl to nod.

"Yeah. we're good tomorrow," she told him, "Why? Are you going somewhere?"

Aries shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the girl carefully stacking her things inside her locker, "No, I was just asking to make sure."

Miles nodded, closing her locker and turning to him with a smile, "Alright, then."

The male was still staring at her, not moving. She tilted her head in confusion as she looked at him questioningly, "Anything else?"

Aries blinked and gave her a boyish smile, "Nope. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then."

"Yep, see you," Miles smiled back at him as she started to walk and leave.

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