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In a world of diverse, where colors blend and merge,
Equality's the banner,that we ought to urge.
For under the same sky,we all take our breath,
In unity and justice, we can conquer life's test.

No matter the gender,the race,or the creed,
In equality's embrace,we all find what we need.
Let's break down the barrier, erase every divide,
For unity and love we must all decide.

Each person's worth is not in their outer shell,
It's the kindness in their hearts, the stories they tell.
In the tapestry of life,we are all woven as one,
In equality's embrace, our battles can be won.

So.let's stand together, hand in hand,and side by side,
in the name of justice,let our hearts be our guide.
In this world we share,let our unity be the key,
For equality's the dream that sets all spirit free.

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